Most Online25,604 Feb 12th, 2024
Re: Daily praise 1110
1 second ago
"I don't want that mofo anywhere near me, my fence, or my dogs. Arrogant big city know it all. He can live where he wants to, do what he wants THERE, and stay the F away from me and mine. At 75, going on 76, I ain't budgin'."
Pray for forgiveness and wisdom on how to shut up your dogs so that your neighbor can live in peace.
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WTB Ruger Precision 6.5cm
12 minutes ago
Testing the waters here before I throw down on a custom rifle . If you have a Ruger Precision in 6.5cm , maybe consider 6mm cm - send me some pics and tell me about it
Preferably face to face in DFW
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Re: Appraisal districts
14 minutes ago
They use flyovers that take pictures. I briefly worked for one. And if you only knew how shady it is times it by 10. And yes they do sit in the office comparing pictures and they do drive by and take pictures at least every 3 years. In your experience, How were portable structures viewed by the local appraisal district?
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Re: Appraisal districts
15 minutes ago
The biggest heartburn I have is being taxed on an unrealized gain. Most of us purchase a home that falls within our budget. Mortgage, taxes, upkeep, etc. Your salary may not keep pace with the increase in your property tax. "
Totally agree. This is also why the retired fixed income property owners are in a bind. It would be nice if the property appraisals were frozen along with the tax rates at age 65. I've posted before on here - the state comptroller is half the problem in this property tax scam. For that I blame Abbott. The protest / appeal system is slanted against the property owner who must gamble with more $ to get past your local jerks.
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Re: What to charge for Mule deer lease
16 minutes ago
Mr. T,
That is a tough one, especially since the place is small and as you know, muley's migrate so much. I would look at a daily flat charge with a kill fee, based on the size of the buck.
In terms of the numbers, let me think on that some more.
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Re: Appraisal districts
25 minutes ago
Whatever it is, so be it. See the obstacles, impediments and pitfalls in life and figure out how to overcome them. I do but "they" keep changing the rules of the game.
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R. Spann
36 minutes ago
Download the hunting lease app. Braxton seems to have a lot of leases!
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Re: Appraisal districts
41 minutes ago
Resorting to name calling, so are you out of factual info? I don’t make money from big govt. I make money for people who need my service. Several of the last jobs I did were ranches for grandparents retiring and getting out of the rat race for a place to enjoy with their kids and grand kids. But sounds like you already know everything about me and can cure the worlds problems so long as you don’t pay taxes so get after it. I didn't name call. Don't be offended. I listed factual info in my last post. Keeping up is hard I guess.
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Re: Need a little help with a bad neighbor
DQ Kid
41 minutes ago
I have really enjoyed this thread. It is very similar to what has happened and what is continuing to happen with my parents on the property around their 25 acres.
My parents built on a portion my great great grandfather’s original homestead in the edge of the family pecan orchard. There were only 4 houses on the mile long parish (county) road for almost 100 years. Their house (and my great grandparents house) were the last houses going south so no houses for at least 3/4 mile. They never thought anyone would ever want to build on the wooded property next to them. I grew up being able to walk out the back door and hunt squirrels, rabbits, and deer. We shot crows out of our pecan orchard and shot skeet and doves in our pastures. It was a dream for a country kid.
Now, the land has been cleared around our family homestead on 2.5 sides and houses and neighbors are everywhere. The neighboring property is now incorporated into the city. Its hard for a man to take a leak on our property without somebody looking to see what you are doing. It is a major and drastic change that my parents (same age as OP) don’t like. My Momma actually has contemplated moving because she has “neighbors so close”.
How does this relate? The bottom line is the OP is 70+ years old and never thought the property north of his fence line would sell or at least never thought anyone would live there. Now he has a neighbor and just that fact alone irritates the piss out of him. What probably adds to his irritation is that the OP probably could have bought the property in the past for a reasonable price but didn’t. My parents could have bought the neighboring too but thought it was overpriced. (Maybe not but that is often the case with lots of landowners I deal with on my job.).
The dogs barking are annoying. Most people won’t tolerate that for long. Whether he admits it or not the OP is legally or morally responsible for the situation. He admits he trained/encouraged his dark to bark at anything around his north property line. I get it. Protect the property from all enemies foreign and domestic. But now the property dynamic has changed and the OP refuses to change.
I will not bash the OP for not liking his neighbor or the situation or even reacting out of character. Most people are emotionally attached to what they have worked, sweated, and bled to own and maintain. No Christian always acts or reacts like Jesus would. We should but we don’t. We are just fallen people that have been forgiven by a perfect Savior.
Jesus said to love our neighbor. Thankfully He never said I had to like them ... LOL!! I have a difficult neighbor that drives me nuts with some of the crap she pulls. But at the end of the day I have to be the better person and make the effort to show her love, grace, and mercy as much as I want to strangle her sometimes … The struggle is real!
This will not end well for the OP and his dog especially if, like he states, his dog eventually climbs the fence and gets aggressive with the neighbor. Idk about Texas but Louisiana law allows you to put down any dog that acts aggressive toward you on your own property. You can also sue the dog’s owner for real or “emotional” damage. The liability coverage that is part of homeowner’s insurance may not cover you if you have an aggressive, large, or dangerous dog breed and didn’t disclose it especially if your dog climbs the fence and attacks an innocent person on their property.
Instead of blaming the neighbor it is time for the OP to take reasonable action to rectify the situation. It is not the dog’s fault. From the narrative given it is not the neighbor’s fault either. The OP has to adapt. Adapting is tough.
Just my 2 cents. Big Hutch
Most thoughtful post on this yet; captured many of my thoughts but in a real life, understanding way. Great Job!!
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Re: Need a little help with a bad neighbor
42 minutes ago
I don’t know all the particulars but it sounds to me like the city boy is the problem. Most folks that live in in the country have and want a dog that barks if something or someone is outside. Don’t dismiss the fact that this same neighbor also has a problem with goats and with chickens. My assessment is the neighbor needs to adapt to the reality that people in the country where he moved have animals on their property. He might be happier living in the city with homes shoehorned on top of each other and HOAs dictating what you do with your land. It doesn’t work that way in the country. I didn’t understand that there were any problems until the vegan from the city came to the country. I didn't understand that the new neighbor was a vegan. Well, that there's the defining fact on who is to blame. Clarity at last.
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Re: WHO?
43 minutes ago
If this is true then this is very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Bill Gates is no beuno.
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Re: Arrows, broad heads, and releases
BOBO the Clown
44 minutes ago
lots of good arrows out there. 4mm is great but not necessary if you are a beginner. a great all-around arrow is the RIP TKO from Victory Achery. if for elk, I would suggest you target +/- 500 grain total arrow weight. you can add weight up front with inserts and impact collars (I recommend Iron Will). Many outfitters won't let you in camp with a mechanical. Iron Will fix blade single bevel is hard to beat. With a stout broadhead and a 500grain arrow, you can punch through a scapula if you make something less than a perfect shot.
as for releases, do you prefer thumb of finger? spot hogg wiseguy is a super popular finger release. several good thumb releases too. I shoot a Carter 4 finger grip.
hope that helps. lots of good gear on the market and you can find success with alot of different options.. Thank you. That helps a lot. Of course I am doing my own research as well but always nice to get input from other members as well. I know I want a finger release at least. The iron will broadheads are really good heads, but two things they are not a stainless steel and require moisture maintenance, also they aren’t a huge cutting diameter so if you don’t get a pass through blood trails can be minimal. They are a bear to reshapen(good and bad), little harder to tune, but they are a great reusable head. Just know there are down sides. This is a bull I killed with Iron will, no pass through, no blood trail as arrow plugged hole. Shots a touch high but double lung and bull went 100 yards uphill from this picture. You can see arrow in him, he was qtr to me a little when I shot, so you can see a little blood to the left of fletching as is tilted right. I should have put another arrow, but this is 1 minute after I shot and I thought he was going down right there, I was wrong. Any way with fixed heads you give up hole size, and are a little more finicky on tuning. I’ve killed bulls with a lot of different heads, for a newer archer that’s not a sharpening, tuning or maintenance guy, and you are dead set on fixed, go with Hades micro 3 blade pro from grim reaper. Easier to tune, stainless blades(and replaceable), scary sharp. I’ve missed two elk seasons in 20 years, and I only hunt bulls with a bow, if you have any questions PM me. Archery Elk is my thing,
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Re: Beef Short Ribs
44 minutes ago
Short ribs are very rich in flavor. I used to buy lots of reduced short ribs in my meat market for almost nothing. I always boned them out and used for stews of some kind. They also were great for putting in a slow cooker until they were tender and then add some BBQ sauce for a while and then shred for BBQ sandwiches. All of the cuts like short ribs, shanks and ox tails have almost tripled in price since I got out of the business. Even good stem meats are almost 7 bucks per lb. Crazy prices.
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