Duck numbers, with the exception of pintail everywhere and mallards in the Atlantic flyway, are increasing. So the question really isn't conservation as much as migration patterns. With the floods in Kansas and Oklahoma this year, I thought we would have more birds than we did. But my observations are they are just now showing up in North Texas. We really don't have much to keep them here in numbers compared to the coast. And they don't have a lot of reasons to leave SD and Nebraska if the snow line doesn't force them to. I Support DU and Delta but, with the exception of Richland Creek, it seems all the Dev$ go up north or to the coast. There's logic in that, still, there doesn't appear to be any appreciable habitat development in our area. There's a lot of us in the metromess. We should make our voices heard when habitat $ are being spread around.

No matter how high a duck flies a hammer still breaks a window.