So I just built this bow blind. It all came from free pallets from my dads business and just scraps in order to build it. I have about $30 in it. I call it my Frankenstein Blind! I was wondering what I should use to cover the front window/open space. I already have playwood to cover the sides and the back wall so just missing the front where I would be shooting the bow through. I have some of that academy camo netting I might try but I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of how to cover this up and leave me a good shooting window or 2. Thanks!
looks like you are in mesquite brush country ... chop out some shooting lanes and pull the limbs/brush you cut back to the stand to break up the sharp pattern. Could also get some chicken or welded wire to partially cover up the openings, then use some of the brush intertwined thru the chicken wire using bailing wire or zip ties
"everyone that lives dies but not everyone who dies lived..."
Agree witht he ones above, if I have it available Cedar works great for that cover and even after the cut edar turns brown it is still cover and smells good and is generally a bug deterrent to boot
lf the saying "Liar, Liar your pants on fire" were true Mainstream news might be fun to watch
This is what I came up with so far. All materials I had laying around the lease from previous hunting spots. I just need to attach some natural brush since the wrap is from a pop up bow blind.
So I just built this bow blind. It all came from free pallets from my dads business and just scraps in order to build it. I have about $30 in it. I call it my Frankenstein Blind! I was wondering what I should use to cover the front window/open space. I already have playwood to cover the sides and the back wall so just missing the front where I would be shooting the bow through. I have some of that academy camo netting I might try but I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of how to cover this up and leave me a good shooting window or 2. Thanks!
Not sure what you have running under that tin roof but it looks like 1x4 maybe? If so, I'd consider adding another support brace in the middle of those runs to help with eventual sag/twisting. Sturdy first, pretty last. Shot some of my best deer from the ugliest blind in the group but it was well built. Just reskinned it last year after a hail storm left me no choice. Pretty sure it was 17 years old when I did that.