Hunted pretty hard this weekend. Saturday saw a lot of movement - young bucks cruising together and does didn't seem to be interested. No big bucks. Sunday - no does as all. Very odd. I was only able to hunt Sunday morning - deer count. 7 bucks in the morning after 7:30 AM, all young: button, spikes through 5 points. I saw a large 8 hauling butt chasing something at around 10:00 AM, he was a shooter. I wasn't quick enough and I probably shouldn't have been playing Candy Crush. I got down at 11:00 and walked up on two young bucks, or rather they walked up on me. We had a stare down at less than 25 yards. Pretty cool to be that close, they just walked off.
This weekend should be better. My biggest bucks taken off my lease has always been around mine or my wife's birthday 11/20 - 11/21. Needless to say I'm heading to the lease tomorrow evening!
Lots of activity this week. Mostly small bucks running the does or grabbing a bite to eat.
I shot this buck this morning and pig on Monday. Wild Country Game Processing in Lindsay was stuffed to capacity and unable to take any more animals. Freezer was full and mine will be too soon. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
We stopped by Wild Game today. He took in 3x the normal amount of deer opening weekend and they keep coming. He said he�ll probably turn away 100 deer by this weekend. Tough problem to have but he�d rather turn them away than have them hanging outside and ruin.
I've never used Fischer's until today but Eric Ramsey at Wild Game is a great guy and always provides a great service. He remembers my name each year and does a great job on taxidermy so I've always used him. He has more options to choose from with regards to processing than Fischer's but I hear Fischer's has really great sausage. Both are good options.
Never had anything done at Fischer�s but a friend and another guy took red stags to them earlier this year. They both had to throw away the meat because it was so bad. The end point of hunting is to have food for the family and friends. I�d rather cut up my own steaks vs. risking bad processing.
I think he said he should be able to take deer again after this weekend. I know they�re cranking out deer as fast as they can.
I have been using Fischers since 2007. Never had an issue. People drive from all over to use them. Any issue should be brought to their attention. I would like to try Wild Game sometime though.
I quit Fischers about 5 years ago. I went by there and saw butchers cutting up multiple deer and tossing the meat into a common pile.
Grandson and I will be hunting my place South of Bowie this weekend. I have been way too tied up to go since opening weekend. Cams show that my deer went nocturnal opening day. I'm hopeful.
Without a sense of urgency, nothing ever happens.
Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley, Rancher Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP
I got it done yesterday. A hot doe came screaming across an open field at about 150yd and he was trailing. I was able to stop him for a second with a couple grunts and send a round down range.
For the processer discussion, everyone that has tried Fischers only or has mixed reviews I would highly recommend Hess Meats in Muenster. They are top notch.
Nicely done!!!!! I started seeing more bucks at the feeders Tuesday evening. I'm hoping the "lockdown" is starting to wain and get deer back to more normal patterns.
I quit Fischers about 5 years ago. I went by there and saw butchers cutting up multiple deer and tossing the meat into a common pile.
Grandson and I will be hunting my place South of Bowie this weekend. I have been way too tied up to go since opening weekend. Cams show that my deer went nocturnal opening day. I'm hopeful.
This^^^ you do not get your deer when you take it to Fischers. I have used Hess meat market in Muenster for the last 5 years or bring your deer in for processing and you get your deer back........
Hunted a feeder yesterday afternoon. Nothing came but walking back to the truck, saw a good buck and took a shot. It jumped up and ran. The jump was when I pulled the trigger and not from the sound of the shot. Looked for quite awhile, in the dark, and didn�t find it. I hate that. Gotta go again this morning. DAMN, I hate doing that.
BTW, still hearing no shots in my area. I still find some acorns and the deer are ignoring feeders during daylight. That started before opening day. No idea why.
Without a sense of urgency, nothing ever happens.
Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley, Rancher Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP
Took this buck this morning. He and few other bucks were chasing a hot doe. There was a bigger that walked out prior to legal light. I wish he would have stayed around but happy with what I have.
Took this buck this morning. He and few other bucks were chasing a hot doe. There was a bigger that walked out prior to legal light. I wish he would have stayed around but happy with what I have.
That's a lot of bone. Congrats! Our guys not seeing too much. Went over to Clay and put some piggies and doe down. Saw a little chasing. One of our guys saw a buck with a doe so as usual, they tend to rut most of Nov.