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Threads Created By 218 Bee
A Sincere Thank-You to the THF Brain-Trust
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
12/24/24 01:29 AM
House Buck
Deer Hunting
11/12/24 01:23 AM
In Search of a New Chronograph (a cautionary tale)
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
10/23/24 02:36 AM
The Luddite Chronicles: O'Connor's Heavier Hitters
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
10/16/24 02:01 AM
Checking cows yields a sow...
Wild Hog & Javelina Hunting
10/14/24 01:36 AM
Everything You Know May Be Wrong
Ammunition & Reloading
09/30/24 10:27 PM
PB&J Grilled Cheese
Recipes & Cooking - Cleaning & Preparation
09/29/24 12:46 AM
The Brno Express - an African Understudy
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
09/26/24 01:48 AM
Lobster-topped Chicken Fried Ribeye w/ Green Chile Cream Gravy
Recipes & Cooking - Cleaning & Preparation
08/24/24 11:08 AM
Cabarnet Grill - Fredericksburg
On the road in Texas
08/22/24 09:32 PM
A second “first safari” – 30 years later…
Open Hunting Discussion
08/11/24 03:54 PM
The Luddite Chronicles: Three Sixteenths
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
06/30/24 01:29 AM
The Luddite Chronicles: An old War Pony gets back into the fight...
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
06/01/24 11:06 PM
The Luddite Chronicles: De-coding a Double Rifle
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
04/22/24 12:44 AM
The Luddite Chronicles: Breaking the Benchrest Addiction
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
04/10/24 02:16 AM
WTB: Nosler 9.3mm / 286 grain Partitions
Trading Post - Swap - Classifieds
03/25/24 09:56 PM
The Luddite Chronicles: Stock Refinishing - Forward into the Past
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
02/05/24 12:30 AM
The Luddite Chronicles:Completed Winchester 1890 Project
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
01/17/24 12:57 AM
Winchester 1890 - "Butt Day"
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
12/16/23 09:38 PM
Elk Stroganoff
Recipes & Cooking - Cleaning & Preparation
12/13/23 11:17 PM
Winchester 1890 Resurrection
Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns
12/09/23 02:54 PM
Elk au Poivre
Recipes & Cooking - Cleaning & Preparation
12/09/23 02:34 PM
A job for the Rigby...
Wild Hog & Javelina Hunting
12/01/23 08:08 PM
Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'...
Photos & Videos
12/01/23 07:59 PM
Lemon Mascarpone Shrimp Pasta
Recipes & Cooking - Cleaning & Preparation
11/29/23 01:05 AM