Take a look at some of our options listed below and most hunts offer guaranteed tags.
Feel free to call with any questions and to reserve spots while still available. Thanks.
415-706-1204 or serge@urge2hunt.com
WHITETAILWest Texas - 4 day/5 night, lodging low fence, rifle Nov 1-4, free doe and hog included, blinds & feeders…..…..…$3,500
Oklahoma – Guided near 100% shot opp, private land, tags OTC, free pig & doe, bow/rifle/muzzy…......…$3,900-$5,500
Nebraska – Guided on 300,000+ acres, high shot opp, tags avail, Oct-Jan dates, archery, muzzy, rifle……$3,500-$6,950
Wyoming - 4 day guided on large private land in NE corner, with meals & lodging included with Nov rut dates.......$3,800
Alberta – Guided on private in heated blinds, near 100% shot opp, 150–220 bucks, Nov rut (7 days)…..………….$5,995
ANTELOPEColorado – 3 day guided near Meeker on private land, 100% last few years, meals & lodging on own in town…..$2,995
Wyoming - Guided 3 days in NE WY, Oct 1-31, draw tags, super high success, private land, meal/lodging inc.....$2,995
New Mexico – 3 day bow or rifle, semi-guided on 30,000 acres, Unit 59, voucher inc, 70+ inch bucks……………$4,995
Nevada - Unit wide vouchers in 051 allows you to hunt archery, muzzy AND rifle seasons on all public land........$6,500
MOOSEAlberta – Guided 7 days, any weapon, Sept-Oct, 85% shot opp, 45-50 inch, Grand Prairie.....1x1-$12,500, 2x1-$10,995
Alaska – 10 day guided-Sept 4-13, otc tags, arrive Anchorage airport, COMBO-grizzly, caribou, black bear…….$24,500
BEARIdaho - 5 day guided over bait , Units 10/12, Nez Perce Forest, Spring/Fall, high success, 50% colored...............$3,250
Utah – Guided Spring with dogs/Fall is spot + stalk, 5 days with meals + lodging inc, near Vernal, tags otc…......$5,500
Alberta - 5 day guided over bait for 2 bears, Fall/Spring, meals/lodging inc, arrive Edmonton, any weapon..........$5,500
Caribou - Alaska – 10 days, tag OTC, charter flight inc….DIY Drop Camp(2026/27)-$6,995, Guided(2025)-$14,995
WOLFIdaho – 5 day hunts, Units 11/15, 50% kill most years, hunt dates Jan-March, otc tags, stay in town................…$3,500
Alberta - 5 day hunts in blinds over bait, 60% shot opportunity most years, meals/lodging inc. Dec-Feb..............$4,750
Bison – California - 2 days guided on large private ranch, year round, 100% kill........meat bison-$4,500, trophy-$6,500
Mtn Goat – Kodiak - 7-day 1x1 guided, draw tag, 100% shot opp 2022/23, 8-10 inch avg, Aug-Oct dates…$14,500
Gator – Florida - private land, 2 days, no kill no pay, year round, combo pig/Osceola turkey....9-12ft - $2,500-$4,500
Blacktail Deer - Calif – guided private land, near 100% opp, combo pig, archery/rifle, otc tags in A zone...…$4,850
WATERFOWLNebraska - 3 days guided on private land, heated blinds, meals, lodging all included, Nov - Jan hunt dates........$2,750
Alberta - 5 guided hunts (3 morning, 2 evening), meals, lodging, ammo & bird cleaning included, Sept/Oct........$3,500
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions and to reserve your preferred hunt while still available.
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