They look great. I've always wanted to try and do a euro mount myself. What process do you use if you don't mind me asking.
Here's how it's done:
Skin skull
If bottom jaw isn't removed don't worry about it. It will fall off once boiled.
Cover bottom part of antlers with plastic wrap and tinfoil about 4-6" up on main beam.
Set skull in water pot so antlers are not in water. Use rocks/bricks in pot to keep from getting wet or anything to keep out of water.
Add Borax to water as it begins to boil. You want a low steady boil not a raging boil. Keep an eye on your water level because you'll have to add water through out the boil.
Boil for about 3.5-4 hours adding Borax throughout the boil. This helps break down the tissue on skull.
Remove from water and check for missing nose bones and teeth. Find when you dump the pot and set aside for later.
Blast all meat/tissue from skull using a pressure washer. You might need some coveralls and rubber boots for this step.
Ensure all meat & tissue is removed. If not skull will stink!
Scrub skull with Dawn dish soap to de-grease.
Rinse off soap.
Take 40% hydrogen peroxide and one package of Basic White powder (both can be purchased at any beauty supply) and mix until it makes a runny gravy. Wear gloves and eye protection this stuff will burn skin and blind you.
Still protecting the antlers ( I cover with Walmart bags & tape) take a small 1" disposable paint brush and cover skull inside and out with mixture. Let it sit overnight then rinse off with hose.
Reapply whiting process and set over night.
Rinse with hose.
Glue in nose bones and missing teeth as needed.
Rinse and remove antler protection and enjoy finished product.