I'm looking for ideas here. I have a 40' container, nice caliche parking in front, and water and electricity and looking to add an area to hang, process, clean deer.
Does any one have any good ideas for me for things that have worked / not worked for you in the past?
I'd like to keep it clean and sanitary, so the ability to wash off the back side would be handy.
being able to wash/keep sanitary will require some solid surface, like concrete. Gravel is OK, but it will trap pieces and keep them around and attract rodents and other animals.
Preferably, something with a bit of a drop off that a drain can be added and then the pieces of nasty that get washed away go down somewhere away from the cleaning station.
But if you do a concrete pad (doesn't have to be more than 10x10, you can easily add a pole with a winch (either crank or electric) to hoist and you are all set.
being able to wash/keep sanitary will require some solid surface, like concrete. Gravel is OK, but it will trap pieces and keep them around and attract rodents and other animals.
Preferably, something with a bit of a drop off that a drain can be added and then the pieces of nasty that get washed away go down somewhere away from the cleaning station.
But if you do a concrete pad (doesn't have to be more than 10x10, you can easily add a pole with a winch (either crank or electric) to hoist and you are all set.
x2 you will have a ton of flies too. Nice to have a good cleaning station, but you will tire of the mess if to close.
Does hang, process, clean….include gut; because that would seem like the major pain, if you couldn’t just blast the guts and blood somewhere with water, like said.