THF Muzzleloaders,
I bought my first muzzle loader, a Pietta Remington 1858 Army, but my first shooting experience didn't go well. I have 777 brand FFFg powder, .454 lead balls, and RWS Model 1075 #11 caps, and 44 cal Wonder Wads.
I decided to start light with 20 grains of powder which I'm measuring with this thing: is lots of advice out there (some conflicting) about what size caps to use and all I could find to purchase was the RWS #11 caps,which seem to fit well on the nipples. I can seat them with my fingers, they don't need extra crimping and stay on the nipple.
So I tilt the barrel up, load one cylinder with powder, push a wonderwad down over the powder, and ram a ball as far as the rammer will push it. I can't really tell if the ball is seated against the wad - does it matter ? I put a cap on it and try to shoot. The cap goes off with a little pfffft, but the powder doesn't ignite, so there is now a ball and powder still in the cylinder. I tried this again with another chamber in the same cylinder. Again same result, the primer goes off but the pistol doesn't fire.
I have a second cylinder, so I try the same process with one chamber, and get the same result. Now I've got stuck balls and powder in two cylinders and three chambers.
The pistol shoots modern smokeless powder ammo just fine with the Howell Arms 45LC cylinder.
Later at home I need to remove the balls and powder from the two black powder cylinders, and after some research figure out the best way is to unscrew the nipple, dump the powder out through the hole, and then punch out the ball with a small screwdriver and mallet through the nipple hole. I was able to do that on one chamber, but on the other chambers I could not get the nipple to unscrew using needle nose pliers. More research ...... I find out that from the factory Pietta pistol cylinder nipples are on very tight and I need to purchase a nipple wrench, so I bought one from Track of the Wolf. I was able to remove only 4 of the 12 nipples on my two cylinders with needle nose pliers. The others are soaking in a thread penetrant right now.
Why would the cap go off and not ignite the powder ? The powder was brand new and I just opened the bottle for the first time before I measured an poured it in the cylinder's chamber. Should I be using a different kind of cap ? I tried to do some internet research but couldn't find any applicable advice.
Appreciate any help from you experts !