Location is Van Alstyne
I have not been using it. and actually ignoring it, so it is "dirty" at this time. That is on me. Shamefull.

VERY low hours. as in VERY VERY low! as in less than 10 or 12 hours if that.

I have some tooling I can sell separately with it, or sell tooling after the Lathe is sold.
I am going to keep the Tail stock Chuck. Too expensive to let go.
There is always a small chance that if I ever move, I'll get another Lathe.
comes with standard supplied chucks, 3,4 way and a faceplate.

Please understand this:
Demo it, pay for it them move it. If you drop it and break it, you have a broken Lathe.
You will need to bring a friend. I will not help due to the clause above.
We will have to move a Tablesaw out of the way and a workbench.
FWIW, I moved it in by myself. Bring a friend.

$ 4,000 XY Readouts are .0005 iirc.

I want to put the $$ away for a maybe, boat. again. smile

here is a link to it at Grizzly.

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Last edited by timbertoes; Yesterday at 11:42 PM.

Forum says "Veteran Tracker". I could not track a garbage truck into a fireworks factory.