You are the kind of Dallas man that used to walk up to the bar and ask what kind of beer they have. You are more than old enough to know what kind of pocket knife you want to carry.
Re: Looking for a small pocket folder
[Re: Buzzsaw]
#917022301/15/2509:16 PM
Fit the tool to the job. For everyday use, a small, multi blade, folder is best. I prefer bigger, longer, blades but they can kinda weigh my pocket down. And, for occasional use like cutting string, anything in stainless steel will work. But, if you need one for work, get a larger blade folder out of high carbon steel.
Without a sense of urgency, nothing ever happens.
Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley, Rancher Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP
Re: Looking for a small pocket folder
[Re: Buzzsaw]
#917146801/17/2506:38 PM
Research this brand and make your own decision...I have carried this exact knife the last 3 years and zero complaints. It holds an edge and sharpens really good.
Re: Looking for a small pocket folder
[Re: Buzzsaw]
#917159201/17/2509:47 PM
Well….a pocket knife, if you’re like most of us on this forum, we have a knife for every day of the week, all anniversaries, holidays, vacations, funerals, etc. I use a trash $25 Amazon knife for rough daily cutting and the lightest benchmade for dress.
Re: Looking for a small pocket folder
[Re: Buzzsaw]
#917160201/17/2510:09 PM
Are you a pocket clip guy? If not, definitely a trapper type knife. My grandpa was a die hard Moore Maker fan and I got a lot of them when he passed. I like a case knife and like the traditional yellow the best. If you are a pocket clip guy and don't mind the non-traditional look, I like a Spyderco Delica4 for a lightweight folder. Also, the Ontario Rat 1 is a great folder for the price as well.
Last edited by brushcountryhunter; 01/17/2510:25 PM.
Re: Looking for a small pocket folder
[Re: Buzzsaw]
#917162601/17/2511:18 PM
I am now on my second CIVIVI folder. Love these knives, well made, sharp as a MF'r
I saw this chick on Youtube who reviews knives, she's really good but she showed the CIVIVI knives are sleepers and Walmart carries them. She even made sure the Walmart ones were the same as the ones sold on CIVIVI's website.
Re: Looking for a small pocket folder
[Re: Buzzsaw]
#917183001/18/2512:21 PM
I am now on my second CIVIVI folder. Love these knives, well made, sharp as a MF'r
I saw this chick on Youtube who reviews knives, she's really good but she showed the CIVIVI knives are sleepers and Walmart carries them. She even made sure the Walmart ones were the same as the ones sold on CIVIVI's website.
I just can't do China knives
Re: Looking for a small pocket folder
[Re: Buzzsaw]
#917184501/18/2501:16 PM
On the traditional side of things something from GEC or a custom.
For a modern knife there a ton of good options. CRK small Sebenza would be by number one choice. McNees, Hinderer, Spartan, Protech, American Bladeworks, Les George, Demko, and TRM are all great American companies just to name some.
Re: Looking for a small pocket folder
[Re: Buzzsaw]
#917445001/22/2503:06 AM
There’s a lot better options than Benchmade in autos. Or maybe any category for that matter. I like them but they are expensive and getting more expensive. I think there are better options for production American made knives. Benchmade is just the big name
Victorinox Super Tinker or CRKT Drifter are my two pocket knives. I always have the Swiss Army on me, the Drifter comes hunting. I have skinned a few squirrels with the Swiss Army. For an actual hunting knife I use Morakniv but that's not a folder.
Case makes a fine slip joint and most importantly are available. I have been wanting one of the barlows for a while but they come in runs here and there. But the trappers and stockmen are always around.
For modern folders I do still like Bemchmade over ZT, Spydeco, and some others because they make slim designs that are easy on the pocket and have plenty handle and steel options. Though I’ll be honest I haven’t bought any of the new ones in years. I do like the Kershaw USA made stuff in the $75-$120 range. If I was looking under $100 for a modern folder I’d check there first.