I don’t want to start a one upper thread here at all, I want to see your go to rifle for Texas blind hunting . The one you use to pick deer and pigs off a feeder at 100 yards.
I’ll start - this is my Remington 700 Tactical in 6.5cm , 22” barrel , Burris XTR-II 5x25x50 and I use factory Hornady 143gr Precision Hunter . I might have $2k in the entire package but it always shoots straight and makes clean kills
Use to be a 257 wby. Now tikka 223 24” 1-8 twist and A10 wart hog suppressor. NXS8 4-32
If hunting wheat and need for poke over 300 then 6.5cm or if I need to go Light weight rifle 7prc
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, b/c they know not victory nor defeat"- #26 TR
90% of the time I'm shooting a Rem 700 in 308 Win with 16" barrel, suppressed, toped with a scope I won, Primary Arms 1x-8x mil/mil FFP. This year I went to the 152 grain Lehigh Controlled Chaos bullets, and they are awesome!
The other 10% is either my Rem 700 in 300 blk out or my "Black Cherry Pie"
Since last season by default, it's my Tikka Roughtek, 7mm Rem Mag with a Leupold VX5HD-3-15 x 44. Currently it's my most accurate rifle with an optic set up that I'm 100% confident in out to 600 yards. Killed my buck the last two seasons with it. I want to get back to a .308 and currently trying to move my new Bergara from the clipboard to the starting job. It's getting close.
An unethical shot is one you take, that you know you shouldn't.
I have a few I have used a home job savage with prefit 7mmo8 I put together, a cz 30-06, a savage 243, but my original that I e killed most with and have a ton of confidence in is a rem 700 sendero in 270 win topped with a boring old leupold 3x9 vxII. It shoots great, very mild recoil. It’s been a great loaner as well.
Right now I have 3 loads I shoot. 150 grain partition, 110 grain Sierra prohunter (reduced for kids etc.), and some factory ram 140 NBT’s. They will all hit an inch bullseye at 100 with no adjustment.
Since last season by default, it's my Tikka Roughtek, 7mm Rem Mag with a Leupold VX5HD-3-15 x 44. Currently it's my most accurate rifle with an optic set up that I'm 100% confident in out to 600 yards. Killed my buck the last two seasons with it. I want to get back to a .308 and currently trying to move my new Bergara from the clipboard to the starting job. It's getting close.
Weatherby Vanguard with Kuiu camo stock in 6.5 CM, topped with a 4x12 Burris E1 scope and Talley rings. Shooting Nosler 140 gr. Bullistic Tip factory ammo. This factory ammo shoots so good it's the only gun I don't load for. I won the gun at an RMEF dinner and got the scope on closeout for $125.00. So cost wise I'm way ahead of the game.
Kimber 84 M 308 22 inch barrel w a break. NightForce SHV 3-10x40 on it Very light weight. Fully loaded w a GI 1917 leather sling it's 7lbs 6 oz 150 Nosler Accubonds on top of Varget at 2900 FPS
Since last season by default, it's my Tikka Roughtek, 7mm Rem Mag with a Leupold VX5HD-3-15 x 44. Currently it's my most accurate rifle with an optic set up that I'm 100% confident in out to 600 yards. Killed my buck the last two seasons with it. I want to get back to a .308 and currently trying to move my new Bergara from the clipboard to the starting job. It's getting close.
Looks like you can see forever out there …
My longest shot on an animal was from there, 550 yards on a coyote. Ranged him, dialed, boom, what seemed like a full second later he flopped. That was with my .308 with an identical optic. You really want something that can get way out there in that country. Most of the stuff I've killed from this stand was inside 200 yards. But it does have those other opportunities where you have all the time you need to range and dial.
An unethical shot is one you take, that you know you shouldn't.
Sako 85 Finnlight in .270 win threaded with a Dead Air Nomad on the end. Ran a zeiss conquest 4.5-14x on it for years but switched to the Vortex LHT 4.5-22x this year. Between myself and friends that have used it, it has killed more animals than I can count. She's a shooter.
Mine is Tikka T# in 308 that was chopped down to 16.5". Has a brake and is in a Tikka varmint stock. I load a 150gr Nosler BT @ 2650fps. Is now my go-to since last year. Nothing taken this season unfortunately.
I bought this Remington ADL .270 in 1977. I`ve taken a few of my other rifles but this one gets the favorite rifle and go to gun for me. Killed my first buck with it 3 months after I bought it. Killed my last buck with it on 11-19-24. I`d even go farther and say that it is my favorite possession.
My gun of choice in 2024 is my Kimber 84L in 30-06, 24" barrel topped with Nikon Monarch 3-12 x 42. In years past was a Weatherby Vanguard-2 synthetic stock in 7mm-08 with a Zeiss Conquest 3-9. Great Texas hunting caliber and very good rainy day gun.
Savage Axis 2 in 300BLK with an Athlon Helos BTR 2-12x42 for most things. If I need more reach, then it's an older Weatherby Vanguard Deluxe in 30-06 or a Winchester Supergrade in .264WM.
Over the years fall back to Remington 788 in 7mm-08 if I feel like I just need to kill some meat. Mostly hunt with the CZ 527 converted from 7.62X39 to 6.5 Grendel.
if shots longer than 300 yards are expected usually pull out the Cooper 6.5-284
For just fun one to carry and good for shorter ranges Marlin Trapper 1894 357 Stainless laminated stocks
lf the saying "Liar, Liar your pants on fire" were true Mainstream news might be fun to watch
I have a safe full but my go to gun is a butchered WW2 Eddystone Arsenal 30-06 that I traded a Win 3030 for many years ago. I scoped it, custom stock, competition barrel. I finally shot out the barrel and had a competition barrel installed. It doesn’t shoot as good as the old one did when it was good. Or maybe the old guy doesn’t shoot as well as he used to.
Without a sense of urgency, nothing ever happens.
Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley, Rancher Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP
I don’t have a blind to hunt out of, but I would use this 6GT for deer and pigs like mentioned. Typically a 6.5-300 or 300 PRC gets used on the wheat fields we hunt, long shots are the norm.
Probably the cheapest and ugliest rifle I own, a Savage Axis XP II chambered in .243. A no-frills rifle I picked up on sale at Academy that came with a free Super Combo hunting and fishing license. Easy on the shoulder and just keeps killing them.
"When the debate is lost, insults become the tool of the loser."
I don't blind hunt. But this rifle is carried every day. It goes with me always.
Tikka action, bolt, trigger. Bartlein #3 chambered in 7mm-08 A.I. 16" long Manners EH-1 CDI bottom metal Atlas bipod Night Force NX8 4-32X 162 gr ELD-X
800 Yard Steel Range Precision Rifle Instruction Memberships and Classes Available
Re: Your “ go-to” hunting rifle
[Re: J.G.]
#916518501/07/2503:36 PM
I don't blind hunt. But this rifle is carried every day. It goes with me always.
Tikka action, bolt, trigger. Bartlein #3 chambered in 7mm-08 A.I. 16" long Manners EH-1 CDI bottom metal Atlas bipod Night Force NX8 4-32X 162 gr ELD-X
Very nice looking rig for sure!
Distance is not the issue, but the winds can make it interesting!
I don't blind hunt. But this rifle is carried every day. It goes with me always.
Tikka action, bolt, trigger. Bartlein #3 chambered in 7mm-08 A.I. 16" long Manners EH-1 CDI bottom metal Atlas bipod Night Force NX8 4-32X 162 gr ELD-X
My go-to for the last 4 or 5 years has been a Remington 788 in .308 that I picked up for a song on the Cabelas used rack. Topped with a Burris Veracity FFP scope. Longest kill shot was 516 yards. My son has taken a liking to an old western field Marlin that we found in the back of my FIL's gun safe. It shoots 150 gr core lokt way better than it should. Once we've burned through the ammo on hand, I'll start reloading for it and see if we can make it even better. It wears an old leupold vari-x II. Can't find a picture of that one right now.
I don't blind hunt. But this rifle is carried every day. It goes with me always.
Tikka action, bolt, trigger. Bartlein #3 chambered in 7mm-08 A.I. 16" long Manners EH-1 CDI bottom metal Atlas bipod Night Force NX8 4-32X 162 gr ELD-X
I appreciate you sharing this - I like to know what the pros use
My go-to for the last 4 or 5 years has been a Remington 788 in .308 that I picked up for a song on the Cabelas used rack. Topped with a Burris Veracity FFP scope. Longest kill shot was 516 yards. My son has taken a liking to an old western field Marlin that we found in the back of my FIL's gun safe. It shoots 150 gr core lokt way better than it should. Once we've burned through the ammo on hand, I'll start reloading for it and see if we can make it even better. It wears an old leupold vari-x II. Can't find a picture of that one right now.
Original trigger?
An unethical shot is one you take, that you know you shouldn't.
Currently (I say that because it could all change tomorrow haha) ^^^ that is my favorite blind rifle. It's a 6.5 saum w/ a 16" barrel. I just about have all the parts to build a short 25 saum or 6prc...one of those two will be next. I've got to get caught up on all the customer stuff before I can play with my own though.
Originally Posted by Phil Robertson
Don't let your ears hear what your eyes didn't see, and don't let your mouth say what your heart doesn't feel
Sako 85 Finnlight in .270 win threaded with a Dead Air Nomad on the end. Ran a zeiss conquest 4.5-14x on it for years but switched to the Vortex LHT 4.5-22x this year. Between myself and friends that have used it, it has killed more animals than I can count. She's a shooter.
My go-to for the last 4 or 5 years has been a Remington 788 in .308 that I picked up for a song on the Cabelas used rack. Topped with a Burris Veracity FFP scope. Longest kill shot was 516 yards. My son has taken a liking to an old western field Marlin that we found in the back of my FIL's gun safe. It shoots 150 gr core lokt way better than it should. Once we've burned through the ammo on hand, I'll start reloading for it and see if we can make it even better. It wears an old leupold vari-x II. Can't find a picture of that one right now.
Original trigger?
I've replaced this trigger, and the trigger on my Dad's model 700 with a Timney.
This year I hunted exclusively with a Seekins Precision Havak Element chambered in 300 PRC. Topped with a NF NX8 4x32x50 w/ 212gr Hornady ELDX. Killed 8 deer, two hogs, and 5 coyotes during this season. Still got some more hogs to drop with it. Love this rifle. This upcoming season, I will primarily be using the new Seekins Precision Element Hunter. Excited to take that one for a spin
I will say, one of my favorite rifles is the one JG built for me, which has killed TONS of critters. It's a 280AI, and it is accurate as can be!
This year I hunted exclusively with a Seekins Precision Havak Element chambered in 300 PRC. Topped with a NF NX8 4x32x50 w/ 212gr Hornady ELDX. Killed 8 deer, two hogs, and 5 coyotes during this season. Still got some more hogs to drop with it. Love this rifle. This upcoming season, I will primarily be using the new Seekins Precision Element Hunter. Excited to take that one for a spin
I will say, one of my favorite rifles is the one JG built for me, which has killed TONS of critters. It's a 280AI, and it is accurate as can be!
How do you like the spartan tripod head? I run their bipods on all my rifles but haven't tried the heads out yet.
It varies from season-to-season for me, but lately I've been enjoying a Remington Sportsman 78 in .243 that one of my lifelong best friends gave me a long time ago. I jazzed it up with a new Remington laminate stock, jeweled bolt, Timney trigger, Trijicon Accupoint scope, and Talley rings. It shoots lights out, it's smooth as glass, and everything I've shot with it has dropped dead.
These days my "go-to" is mostly an AR in .260 Remington. All I wanna do these days is murder pigs, and it's the tool for the job.
The rifle was originally built by departed member "Cast" about 12 or 15 years ago. He had gotten into putting together (building? LOL!) AR15s and did a couple of them, and then wanted to do something a little different. He wanted to "build an AR10" or two and asked me what cartridges to go with because he didn't want to do a .308 Winchester. I suggested .260 Remington and .338 Federal. So, he whooped out the checkbook and away he went. Next thing I knew he had a couple of large frame ARs. The one in .260 gave him problems and he stuck it in the safe and never did anything with it. When he passed (RIP, Keith) his ol' lady had a bunch of guns in the safe and his kid only wanted certain ones and took those home with him. A few months later found me playing with AR15s in 6.5 Grendel and 6mm AR and decided I wanted something with more authority, so I waltzed over next door and bought that problematic .260 from his widow. It had a Lilja barrel which I knew had to be fine, but the rest of the gun was one big question mark. It turned out it had the wrong length buffer and spring in it and it was badly overgassed. I basically kept the receiver castings, barrel, and BCG and put it back together the way I wanted it, and it has been a great gun ever since. I put another one together with an identical Lilja barrel so that I'd have one with a thermal and one with a day scope. The one that Keith built has killed most of the pigs because I see them a lot more at night, so one day I'll swap the scopes out to even out the barrel wear.
That's a Witt Machine SME on the muzzle. I have yet to shoot the rifle anywhere but under a metal roof since I installed this thing, which is supposed to reduce the noise level the shooter experiences. It DOES NOT reduce noise under a steel roof (I shoulda anticipated that, but...)! If it's not a lot better shooting out the blind windows I'll put my Smith Enterprises flash hiders back on. And NO, don't try to sell me on suppressors---not interested!
Re: brushcountryhunter - I really like the tripod heads from Spartan. I interviewed the owner and he sent me one to test out. Super light tripod, head swiveled and tightened up nicely. Came in handy on a thermal hog hunt when stalking. If you have a heavier rifle, it might not hold it perfectly on its own, but definitely would help steady up a shot.
Re: brushcountryhunter - I really like the tripod heads from Spartan. I interviewed the owner and he sent me one to test out. Super light tripod, head swiveled and tightened up nicely. Came in handy on a thermal hog hunt when stalking. If you have a heavier rifle, it might not hold it perfectly on its own, but definitely would help steady up a shot.
Thanks for the info. I will be looking into them for sure.
Re: brushcountryhunter - I really like the tripod heads from Spartan. I interviewed the owner and he sent me one to test out. Super light tripod, head swiveled and tightened up nicely. Came in handy on a thermal hog hunt when stalking. If you have a heavier rifle, it might not hold it perfectly on its own, but definitely would help steady up a shot.
Thanks for the info. I will be looking into them for sure.
Only bad thing about spartan is bipod can’t be left attached as it doesn’t fold forward or rear ward, but it’s probably the lightest bipod and tripod option assuming you can glass off their tripod
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, b/c they know not victory nor defeat"- #26 TR
I really like it. Apart from being a little heavy, which actually helps the already-light recoil, smoothest action on a bolt rifle I've owned, very accurate and consistent, love the push button safety because it's silent when you disengage. And it was affordable. Hard to beat.
The best FEELING rifle I have is a 1970's Rem 700 BDL in .243. It's one of those rifles you love to shoot because its balance, weight and "fit" when brought to the should are just unbeatable.
Great pic! I'm pretty sure i know exactly which stock you mean by boat paddle, don't know the exact name. BUT what are those wooden accent/attachments? I totally dig the look.
^^Thanks very much! The material was called "Zytel" when it came out. I think Ruger originally offered the wooden inserts, and also green plastic inserts. Very weird idea. So weird I had to try it. I think I found these inserts on either eBay or Etsy. A guy custom makes them, I think in the northeast somewhere. I have the original plastic inserts saved. I think it's so ugly it's cool. I shoot it left-handed, hence the LH stock pack.
...and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Gen. 1:28
As most would guess my go to is my 22 Creedmoor. Here is what it looked like in its second iteration with its first barrel. I actually built it right- handed but after a month decided I would give a lefty action a serious try. Back then use sized down Lapua 6.5 brass which was a pain. This was back in 2013 I think.
This is what it looks like now with its 3rd barrel & Repainted stock shorter barrel.
Last edited by DStroud; 01/10/2503:34 PM.
"Anyone taking up handloading necessarily plays with unknown factors and takes chances. But so does anyone who drives a car,goes to a cocktail party,eats in a restaurant,or gets married."
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, b/c they know not victory nor defeat"- #26 TR
That’s a 20inch. Runs the 80gr ELD-X at 3270fps and the 62grVT’s at 3690.
"Anyone taking up handloading necessarily plays with unknown factors and takes chances. But so does anyone who drives a car,goes to a cocktail party,eats in a restaurant,or gets married."
That’s a 20inch. Runs the 80gr ELD-X at 3270fps and the 62grVT’s at 3690.
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, b/c they know not victory nor defeat"- #26 TR
Up till about 15 years ago my go-to rifle was a .308 with the same stock. At that time all was right in the world, until it was stolen!!!! I had cut back the barrel to 19", floated the barrel, and bedded the action. MOA groups were commonplace. I copied the Ruger inserts using walnut taken from a tree on my property. It was the hunting rifle I grabbed above all others. Since it was stolen I have bought two more "twins" but neither shot the same and they have been sold long ago.
My search for another "go-to" rifle has taken me 15 years and just this year I have found a replacement. Before I add it to this thread I need to pull out my camera since nothing can take the place of a good photograph.
Tikka T3 in 7mm-08 cut to 19” T3x stock with flat forend and grip added. Vortex Razor LHT 3-15x50 MIL/MIL EGW rail and rings Triad Tactical cheek rest Omega suppressor
Digging the new 10 rd tikka mags from NDr Shooting Supplies, little heavy to hunt with but great for shooting practice
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, b/c they know not victory nor defeat"- #26 TR
On my rifle? I’ve been busy, but I also figure everybody knows. Three more days in our season so maybe I’ll catch up and post then. My important posts arent usually short so I need some time…..
At some point in life its time to quit chasing the pot of gold and just enjoy the rainbow. FR Keep your gratitude higher than your expectations. RWH
On my rifle? I’ve been busy, but I also figure everybody knows. Three more days in our season so maybe I’ll catch up and post then. My important posts arent usually short so I need some time…..
Digging the new 10 rd tikka mags from NDr Shooting Supplies, little heavy to hunt with but great for shooting practice
Is that some type of see thru mesh shade thingy on window??
No just cheap curtains that Sun has hammered on. That blind sits on a hill and over looks about 3k acres of the ranch including majority of wheat fields. It gets sky lighted really bad, and since it’s set up for kids, it’s easier to just keep curtains closed. With that said might be time to replace them. Use to be dark navy, sun side is white now.
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, b/c they know not victory nor defeat"- #26 TR
Digging the new 10 rd tikka mags from NDr Shooting Supplies, little heavy to hunt with but great for shooting practice
Is that some type of see thru mesh shade thingy on window??
No just cheap curtains that Sun has hammered on. That blind sits on a hill and over looks about 3k acres of the ranch including majority of wheat fields. It gets sky lighted really bad, and since it’s set up for kids, it’s easier to just keep curtains closed. With that said might be time to replace them. Use to be dark navy, sun side is white now.
I use those cheap ($4) blanket throws at WM for my curtains and just reverse them when they get faded.
My go to rifle is a rifle I picked up off a friend many years ago. He had won a rifle and scope from a clay shoot and did not need it, so I bought it from him. I had never heard of the brand of rifle or scope at the time, but it has proven to be a winner. Tikka T-3 in .270 WSM with a Sightron SII 3-9x40 scope. The only thing I have done with it over the years is switch the wood stock out for a Bell and Carlson stock. It has been a great rifle combo.
Digging the new 10 rd tikka mags from NDr Shooting Supplies, little heavy to hunt with but great for shooting practice
Is that some type of see thru mesh shade thingy on window??
No just cheap curtains that Sun has hammered on. That blind sits on a hill and over looks about 3k acres of the ranch including majority of wheat fields. It gets sky lighted really bad, and since it’s set up for kids, it’s easier to just keep curtains closed. With that said might be time to replace them. Use to be dark navy, sun side is white now.
I use those cheap ($4) blanket throws at WM for my curtains and just reverse them when they get faded.
Don’t think about reversing. These are cheap dollar general
I like it!! Thank you
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, b/c they know not victory nor defeat"- #26 TR
I like this thread. My go to is kind of basic compared to some of y’all but basic suits me. 26” Remington 700 Classic left hand in 7RM. My age probably has something to do with it but I am partial to blue steel and walnut. Barrel is floated. Action is bedded. Recoil lugs are trued up. Drop in Timney trigger. 4-12x50 Swarovski. Easy to shoot good and does more than I need it to.
I like this thread. My go to is kind of basic compared to some of y’all but basic suits me. 26” Remington 700 Classic left hand in 7RM. My age probably has something to do with it but I am partial to blue steel and walnut. Barrel is floated. Action is bedded. Recoil lugs are trued up. Drop in Timney trigger. 4-12x50 Swarovski. Easy to shoot good and does more than I need it to.
I like it. Would not want the 26” though. I think I like the sling too but not sure exactly what all its doing.
At some point in life its time to quit chasing the pot of gold and just enjoy the rainbow. FR Keep your gratitude higher than your expectations. RWH
I like this thread. My go to is kind of basic compared to some of y’all but basic suits me. 26” Remington 700 Classic left hand in 7RM. My age probably has something to do with it but I am partial to blue steel and walnut. Barrel is floated. Action is bedded. Recoil lugs are trued up. Drop in Timney trigger. 4-12x50 Swarovski. Easy to shoot good and does more than I need it to.
I like it. Would not want the 26” though. I think I like the sling too but not sure exactly what all its doing.
I have right hand version in 270 same scope and same trigger in my safe. The think barrel is 24” though. My 257wby sps is 26” though
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, b/c they know not victory nor defeat"- #26 TR
I like this thread. My go to is kind of basic compared to some of y’all but basic suits me. 26” Remington 700 Classic left hand in 7RM. My age probably has something to do with it but I am partial to blue steel and walnut. Barrel is floated. Action is bedded. Recoil lugs are trued up. Drop in Timney trigger. 4-12x50 Swarovski. Easy to shoot good and does more than I need it to.
I like it. Would not want the 26” though. I think I like the sling too but not sure exactly what all its doing.
I have right hand version in 270 same scope and same trigger in my safe. The think barrel is 24” though. My 257wby sps is 26” though
Freerange, the long powder column of slow burning powder in 7RM uses that 26” barrel to push a 160 as fast as a 270 will push a 130. I don’t see the point of shooting a toned down magnum. The sling is handy for free hand shooting at extended ranges. It is not my first choice how to shoot. A dying facet of shooting today that is fun practice and useful as ever in the field.
Bobo, 270win does not get the respect it deserves as a big game cartridge on this forum.
The one that gets picked up the most is old reliable tikka t3 in 7-08 cut down and suppressed running 162 eld-m's. It's like a toyota tacoma; no matter who I give the gun to everything people shoot with it drops in its tracks.
Has never lost zero, always goes bang and is consistently accurate. My son shot his first buck at 200 yards with it over the holiday break and dropped him in his tracks. I suspect that will no longer be my gun and I'm going to have JG build me a LH version.
It was 2009 when my Go-To Rifle was stolen and I have been searching for its replacement since that night. To begin with I limited my search to various .308's.
The Ruger Scout Rifle ended up being my choice for a "Do-It-All" rifle.
However, around 2011 I picked up an AR in 7.62x40 and it grew on me. More and more I found myself using that little 16" carbine.
Then Wilson Combat came out with the new .300 HAM'R and I was hooked. I still didn't have my Go-To hunting rifle but I did have my Go-Go Cartridge! The little 300 HAM'R will take care of anything I will ever have to face on my side of the country. Defensive, offensive, hunting, or just playing, the baby HAM'R will handle them all. It wasn't too long before I had half a dozen ARs all set up for the 300 HAM'R.
Then it happened! The 300 HAM'R became available in a bolt action. I liked the ARs but a bolt-action just cries out "Hunting Rifle."
The little Ruger worked very well and even if it is a little basic it can take just about any abuse. The Kimber is nice, but a little too nice. The weather has to be just right and I have to make sure I don't scar it up in the rush. (Yes, it is my Gentleman's Rifle) Now the NULA 20S goes a step above. It is as smooth as you can get and weighs under 6lbs. with the mounts, scope and fully loaded. It is short and handy as well as being the most accurate rifle I have ever owned. It is more accurate than you will ever need while hunting but that accuracy does give you a feeling of confidence. This is the first year I have hunted with it but I can already tell it will be my "Go-To" hunting rifle for many years to come.
BAR 270 1969 model. Leupold 3x9x50. My father bought it for me when I was 15. It splits time with a Weatherby 270wsm, but the BAR is still my favorite.
Sako L61 Pre-Garcia .270 Finnbear. Have 2 Pre-Garcia Finnbears that are family heirlooms my .270 and my son's 30-06. I cannot even begin to count the number of deer and hogs these 2 rifles have taken over the last 56 years. Four life times of memories here.
Was hoping ole FreeRange would show off his go to …
Here ya go, Biscuit… Nothing special about mine, except to me, and that it’s been rode hard and put up wet. Pic of Dad with the 3006 M70 in 1970. He died shortly after and I inherited it. It’s the only rifle I’ve killed a deer with since then. Besides being sentimental it also shoots very well. I had Jim Ridings work up a load in the late 80s that It still shoots about an inch group. 165 Partition. It developed an old age issue with the stock a few years ago and JG got it back going. Not real good pics but the same rifle in all my dead deer pics. Amazingly the same cap in all pics back to 1985 to current.
At some point in life its time to quit chasing the pot of gold and just enjoy the rainbow. FR Keep your gratitude higher than your expectations. RWH
Have many that I like, some are faster, and some are more powerful but the one that just seems to be the go-to for me is my Ruger M77 tang safety in 7x57 Mauser with a Leupold 1x4x20mm scope.
And on the 8th Day God created the Mauser and God saw the Mauser was good, and God divided the Mauser from the rest.
There ain't many troubles that a man can't fix with seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six
@freerange - to me , yours is one of the most special. Clearly sentimental value but you are living proof that the classics never go out of style.
And that 9 point , 4 pics from the bottom. Wow! That’s a perfect deer
Biscuit, you sound like you like my rifle as much as I do, so, no, you cant have it. The wide 9 is likable for sure, but he would have to be 8 or 10 to be "perfect."'
At some point in life its time to quit chasing the pot of gold and just enjoy the rainbow. FR Keep your gratitude higher than your expectations. RWH
For my "go to" rifle, it's the one that has been delivering the goods for me since the mid-80s...my Sako Safari Grade .375 H&H.
Here at home it's accounted for deer, turkey, hogs and coyotes. Across the pond it's got cape buffalo, kudu, sable, eland and roan scalps on its belt...along with a pair of poacher's dogs that didn't gap it as fast as their owner's did...
I may carry a different rifle a good bit of the time, but the .375 is always close as a back-up.
Someone else on another forum who "gets it" uses (as his signature line), "One planet, one rifle...Holland's .375." I can't argue with that...
"I always take care to fire into the nearest hillside and, lacking that, into darkness". - the late Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
For my "go to" rifle, it's the one that has been delivering the goods for me since the mid-80s...my Sako Safari Grade .375 H&H.
Here at home it's accounted for deer, turkey, hogs and coyotes. Across the pond it's got cape buffalo, kudu, sable, eland and roan scalps on its belt...along with a pair of poacher's dogs that didn't gap it as fast as their owner's did...
I may carry a different rifle a good bit of the time, but the .375 is always close as a back-up.
Someone else on another forum who "gets it" uses (as his signature line), "One planet, one rifle...Holland's .375." I can't argue with that...
Mine is a Browning BLR in .308. It fits my smaller frame (belly not included, LOL) and I like the safety of the hammer. You can't accidently knock it off safe.
I finally got my barreled action back from Pac-Nor.
The rifle is an Interarms Mark X I swapped into here on THF maybe fifteen years ago. This will be my only hunting bolt gun from here on out...it looks almost the same as it did when it was a 6mm-284---the one no one wanted to buy when I was selling off rifles. I originally wanted to keep my Model 70 in .30-06, but since no one wanted to take a chance on a 6-284 with an unknown round count I decided to let the M70 go (*sniff*) and do this instead. This one is now a .260 and will do everything I need or want to do.
I've only had it on the bags once so far. I decided to try 142-grain LRABs first since I have a ton of them. Results are very encouraging, and more trial loads are ready to rock whenever I have a chance for a calm day on the range. I'll stretch it out to 200 this next time out. It may tighten up a little with a little more wear (60 rounds so far) or I may simpy improve on the load a little bit.
The grid I use on my targets is one-inch squares. When I get anything under a half inch first time out with a rifle, I am happy. I shot 20 different loads, three rounds of each all with different charges of five different powders. Every powder produced at least one sub-MOA group. I am liking it.
My .260 ARs will always be my primary pig guns, but I'll let this one play too now and then.