First up… Remington Sendero SFII in 7mm REM Mag This rifle has been shot less than 100 times. It shoots phenomenal with consistent 1/2” groups at 200 yds with federal LR accubond ammo. I really hate to sell it but it hasn’t made it out of the safe for a few years. I got an APR built in 7saum a few years back I always grab now. Absolutely nothing wrong with the rifle. No scope 1150 obo. 1700 with ammo and bullets.
2-boxes of ammo (full) NoslerTrophy 168 Accubond Long Range 2-boxes bullets Barnes 168 LRX (100) 1.5- boxes bullets Nosler 168 Accubond Long Range (150) 2-boxes bullets Berger 168 VLD Hunting(200)
Next.. Remington XCR II in 338 Ultra Mag Rifle has been shot less than 75 times. I’m the second owner the previous owner was on TBH which is where I bought it. After I got the rifle it was threaded, bedded and trued this was done by a gunsmith in Hempstead TX. I have all reloading equipment for it. It shot under MOA with factory ammo but with 250 bergers it will stack them on top of each other with single digit SD and ES. I’ve shot several 3” groups at 800 yds. It was super easy to load for. Not pushing it at 2780 with Berger 250 OTM. I bought a suppressor in 30 cal and don’t plan on getting any bigger so this one needs a new home. It also comes with hs stock (installed) and the original Remington stock and talley 30mm rings and bases. 1300 OBO. 2000 with all ammo and components listed.
The following ammo and reloading is available for the 338 RUM not selling before the rifle sells.Easily over $1000. 2-boxes(full) of Remington 250gr psp 1-box (full) Remington 250 Swift A-frame 2-boxes (full) Nosler custom 225 Accubond 15-cartridges Barnes 225 TTSX 2- boxes of Berger 250 OTM 1.5 -boxes (75)of Berger 300 Hybrid 1-box ADG brass with 25 loaded that shoots really well. I have the load that was made. Also some loaded that shot ok I didn’t pull and could use as foulers RCSB dies
I will be adding pics also. Thanks for looking!!!
Last edited by bukhuntr; 09/19/2411:40 PM. Reason: Price drop