TLDR; Have taken the gun out a few times and it is getting broken in. Has issues with the Winchester and Federal 100 packs from Walmart, but Federal Top Gun runs fine. It is ready for dove season! Was in Cabela's in Allen a couple of weekends ago and they had the 20 gauge Masai Maras on the used rack for $599.
I realized I failed to post my updates here... The results of the first outing can be seen here
Retay 20 Gauge Masai Mara Range ReportMy second and third range trip results are below.
Second range trip.Started off today with 50 rounds of the Monarch 2.75", 7/8 oz., #8 shot at 1300 fps with no issue. No surprise there, as this gun has run well with the Monarch shells.
Next up, 15 shells of the Cheddite 2.75", 1 oz., #7.5 shot, 1280 fps. All 15 cycled the action and fed the next shell reliably. This was an improvement since the first outing, as these shells would not cycle the action.
Moved on to the B&P Baschieri & Pellagri 2.75", 7/8 oz., #8 shot, 1210 fps. Fired 2 of these and they failed to eject both times. Wouldn't cycle reliably on the first trip either.
Fired 8 shells of Cheddite 2.75", 7/8 oz., #8 shot, 1250 fps. These worked as well. All 8 fired, cycled, and fed without issue.
Decided to give the Winchester Universal shells, 2.75", 7/8 oz., #8 shot 1200fps another go. Fired a full box of these, no issues. Ejection is still weak but they ejected and fed the next shell without a failure from the whole box.
Finished up with a box of Federal Top Gun 2.75", 7/8 oz., #8 shot 1210 fps. These also fired and cycled reliably without issue.
In total, fired 125 shells and had 2 failures... Solid improvement. In between outings, I left the bolt locked back. Not sure if this helped, but was suggested by several. I also made sure to clean it well and lubricated it very liberally this time.
Third tripTook the gun out to the range last weekend with a sleeve of Federal Field & Target load, 2 3/4" 7/8 oz, 2.5 DRAM EQ., 1200 fps #8 shot... The red box value pack of 100 shells from Walmart. Started off shooting some five stand and had one jam, failure to feed, out of the box. The second box, had 2 more failures. We decided to move over to the skeet fields at this point to not slow down the 5 stand shooters. In the third box, 4 more failures... the gun seemed to get progressively worse the more we shot. After 75 rounds and 7 failures, I called it quits.
Since it seemed to get worse, I broke the gun down and cleaned it. I hadn't cleaned it after the last range trip outside of running a snake through the barrel and wiping down the outside. It wasn't horrible, but there was some crud to clean off, and I do see some shiny spots where there is definitely some wearing in.
Returned to the range today with a box of Winchester AA 2 3/4", 7/8 oz., 1200 fps #8 shot, Federal Top Gun 2 3/4", 2.5 DRAM EQ., 1210 fps, #8 shot, and one box of the Federal Field and target that was left from the four pack above. I emailed Federal and they told me that there were no difference between the blue box top gun shells and the red box field and target loads, but that can be a whole different discussion.
Anyway, the AA's ran perfect, no issues. The Federal Top Gun, again perfect, no issues. Brings me back to the red box federals, 5 "jams". These were either failures to feed, or didn't lock the action back. Since I was on a skeet field and only loading 2 shells, we counted the failure to lock back as an issue, as it would probably not have fed the next shell. So out of 150 shells, I had 12 failures, but these were all with the same ammo.
I really like the gun. I adjusted the shims and it hits where I point. I am fine with knowing what shells it likes and sticking to those, but my son thinks I am rationalizing my purchase and that it should shoot any factory load off the shelf which I can't say I disagree.
What say you guys? By the way, when I bought it last year it was $800 from the "used" gun rack at Cabela's, but they had a whole rack of them. Technically used because they had been delivered to a store from a distributor, but they still had factory tags hanging on them. I think I may be the only one who bought one because they are now on sale at Cabela's for $599.