We had the absolute pleasure of hosting this wonderful Father and Son team on one of our “day hunts” while being on holiday from abroad.
The little guy (now an honorary team member of @pronkhuntingsafaris) started the day with a great common Blesbuck. This was his first animal ever that he hunted and did a great job. Dad and the team can’t be prouder.
Judd started off his safari with a beautiful Blue Wildebeest. While driving back to camp we spotted a nice common Blesbuck, and he immediately decided that it is an opportunity that he can’t pass by. With a well-placed shot we managed to get the animal down.
While the animals were being cleaned and caped, we spotted a great Waterbuck and Red Lechwe bedded down with other females and a bunch of Fallow Deer next to the dam. We started figuring out a plan how to get close to them and get into a shooting position.
Judd to a long shot on the Red Lechwe and made a good hit, but like they do, the Lechwe started taking off running into the water where we had to recover him.
The next animal on our list was the Waterbuck. As we walked around the side of the mountain he popped out, run a few steps, and stopped. Judd was on the shooting sticks in a second and made a perfect quartering away shot, placing the bullet behind the shoulder and made a double lung shot.
Recovering this “tank” of a Waterbuck bull in the mountains was not the easiest thing to do but knowing that we probably accomplished the impossible by taking 5 great animals in a day made the effort all worthwhile.
Having the right concession for the right type of hunt and a hard-working team is of the utmost importance for a successful safari.
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