I have for sale two fully rigged Elite bows.

Bow 1:
Elite Impulse 34 in camo
Trophy Ridge quiver
IQ bow site (3 pin)
QAD drop away rest
Limbsaver stabilizer
Max Pro thumb release
True Fire wrist release
12 Hunter 340 arrows with vanes
soft case (camo)

Bow 2:
Elite Victory 37 in black
IQ sites (3 pin)
QAD drop away rest
B stinger stabilizer
Tru Ball Blade release (thumb)
SKB soft case
10 Hunter 340 arrows with vanes
Side quiver

I am selling these for $600 each to include the full setup for each or will sell both together for $1100. If I remember correctly, they are set at 28.5" draw or somewhere close to that. Modules for changing draw length are readily available for these at an Elite dealer. Both of these bows are like new. I have never hunted with either one and never competed. I did shoot each one in my yard, but I had an elbow issue that is keeping me from bow hunting or competing.I will try to post up pictures today or tomorrow once I figure out how to do so on here.

I am in Tyler.