Some of you may have seen this. I went back to Sofala Safaris in July with three fellow bowhunters. We all took some nice animals. 14 in six days actually. Myself I got 5 and I had a blast. For the money you aren't gonna get more bang for your buck than Africa. All water holes are 12 to 15 yards from the blinds.
Man that looks like a lot of fun. I like those price lists too. Way way cheaper than any type of big game hunting on a well managed place in the US. What does travel cost?
I was shooting a 50lb 3 piece Primal Tech with longbow limbs. Wood arrows I built that weigh about 560 grains. 160 grain Ace Standard heads on the business end. The impala I used my new 45lb two piece Primal Tech longbow. Those wood arrows weighed about 515 grains and had Ace Standard heads in 125 grain variety up front.
I was shooting a 50lb 3 piece Primal Tech with longbow limbs. Wood arrows I built that weigh about 560 grains. 160 grain Ace Standard heads on the business end.
You mean you didn't have to have a 9000 grain arrow with a 3 lb single bevel head to kill African game?
Congratulations on the hunt, some fine animals taken and all shots were spot on. That Nyala was very unique and a great trophy
For it is not the quarry that we truly seek, but the adventure.
Well if you want a Cape Buffalo maybe but many of the plains game animals are whitetail size and as in most situations putting the arrow in the right spot with a shaving sharp broadhead on a well tuned arrow will settle the dust for most situations. Knowing the animal and its anatomy helps. For example many plains game animals are built for running long distance. Their lungs sit differently in the chest cavity than a whitetail or elk. The PHs will tell you exactly where to shoot them if you ask. Personally I was confident in my shooting but relieved that all 5 animals had short, easy tracks. They are tough but holes through both lungs does the trick every time.