WTS, no trades please. 1. SOLD S&W model 17-4 .22lr K frame, 6 shot cylinder, 6" bbl, blued. $650 SOLD 2. SOLD S&W model 60-15 .357mag/.38 special, J frame, 5 shot, 3" bbl stainless, orange insert front site. $675 SOLD 3. S&W model 31-1 .32S&W, J frame, 5 shot, 3" bbl blued, $550 4. Savage 1907 .32 acp, 10 shot mag, replacement grips. Mfg in 1916 and sold to France for WW1 (lanyard loop and smaller rear sight). $300 5. SOLD Beretta 81BB, .32acp, 12 rd mag. $375 SOLD 6. Astra A60 .380 acp, 13 rd mag $415 7. Kahr P380 .380acp, two mags, $375
FTF only Frisco area, will not ship unless you want to pay shipping and ffl fee. Prices listed are what I paid for these so I will not reduce prices. Bill of sale required, CHL/LTC, Texas drivers license and must be minimum of 21 yrs old and legal to own a handgun. Thank you for looking. Randy
Last edited by rifle.30cal; 03/28/2312:20 AM. Reason: Mark 1 and 5 as SOLD, 2 as SPF