I want to share with all the Current Soldiers and Veterans on here. I read somewhere that there was a free Float at True Rest float spas nationwide on the 11th of each month for Veterans and Soldiers. I might have even read it here somewhere. I called and in fact this is true. Had to fill out some forms and watch a video. . I went to the one in Cedar Park as that one was closest to me.
Pros, staff was very friendly. The place was clean and restful. It was in fact Free. they give you good silicone ear plugs, all soap, body wash and lotion are free, you shower in your private room before and after the soak. They provide towels and blow dryers and tea or water. I even sat at the Oxygen bar for a while. The hour-long soak seemed like a lot more time than that. This is all new age stuff for me, but here is where this is important: today I have less pain, all over my body, my hand was swollen and now isn't and doesn't hurt. I didn't feel much different after the soak maybe a little less anxious and my skin was very soft. I don't know how long this pain relief will last; I will update as I find out.
Cons, very faint almost imperceptible locker room smell when the shell was closed. This went away when I opened the pod a little. You have to learn how to be completely still and to relax or you keep bumping into the walls. You can choose music. Dim lighting or silence and pitch black (I chose this). They say you can go 1 time every 6 months for free. The price for use when not free is the same as a good massage. Less if you get a membership/ which I have not yet. I am more of a skeptic than this post sounds...but, pain free today is worth something.
If you hurt all the time like I do give it a try. Let us know if you did and what you think of it. There where veteran slots that were not filled.