I am looking for a place to fly my hawks on Jack rabbits I have 2 Harris hawks that I am currently training and I want to be able to produce lots of slips for them. I remember being in Texas in seeing loads of Jack rabbits I just don't remember exactly what part I was in any help would be much appreciated. The pics are of my red tail hawk catching squirrels. I live in va so scouting is tough.
Very cool, wish I could help. In Wyoming they yard up in winter and you cab find hundreds in small areas. Almost like a horror movie, lol. Beautiful birds to watch hunt.
Good luck finding some. This article and update might tell you where to looks in the state. AZ and NM are suffering also.
Wild rabbit die-offs are also being reported in western Texas, according to the U.S. Geological Survey's National Wildlife Health Center. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has submitted samples to determine the cause of death, according to a Texas Animal Health Commission spokesperson.
Try western Kansas. It is covered up with them. I would bet landowners out there would let you hunt them with your hawk. Try contacting the game wardens around Sublet, Liberal and Garden City.
I'd invite you to West TX but I don't think I'll be able to get out before quail season's up and I can't imagine you convincing your hawk it could hunt the rabbits but not the quail.
Old thread but we have jacks/cottontails in bunches near dickens. A couple Govt trappers that flew with my Gdad each had a pair back in the 90s brought em a few times. They are impressive.
I have an addiction and its all Randy Watson's fault.
Very cool, wish I could help. In Wyoming they yard up in winter and you cab find hundreds in small areas. Almost like a horror movie, lol. Beautiful birds to watch hunt.
I was lucky enough to be able to mule deer hunt in Wyoming a few years back, and one year there were indeed tons of rabbits. I couldn’t understand how they were surviving out there but it was almost a biblical plague.
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