I've been using a simple white light from Harbor Freight for several years. The first one lasted at least four years. Had to replace it this year. Something knocked it off of the T-post on which it was mounted and broke it. It was still working until then. The hogs get accustomed to the white light, if it bothers them at all.
I've been using a simple white light from Harbor Freight for several years. The first one lasted at least four years. Had to replace it this year. Something knocked it off of the T-post on which it was mounted and broke it. It was still working until then. The hogs get accustomed to the white light, if it bothers them at all.
This is what we do, but we make the light green. Remove the front glass off the light, cut out a square from a 2 liter Mountain Dew bottle, slide in between the glass and LEDs...Cheap green light that works great.
We used a couple of those for at least four years until we bought NV scopes. For the money, you cannot beat them. I put red film inside the glass from Hobby Lobby but over time it faded to light pink but the hogs didn’t care. Only trouble I ever had was crows broke the solar panel on one using it as a perch. I still have one in the box.
Better off building your own. I use walmart Lawn tractor battery $22.00, solar controller $5.50, 10w green led $7, plus a 30-50watt panel about $50+, battery box $10. Always on so no PIR switch to scare real big boars. Brighter than most commercial lights and serviceable if a component goes bad.
We've gone to using the new solar panel street light they're selling on the web . We get the one with 2 sets of 60 LEDS, though you can't get them any color but white. I went to Hobby Lobby and bought some colored clear plastic film. Each lens cover comes off with eight screws. I remove the foil reflector and put a green (though you could use red) piece of film over the LED's put the reflector back on and screw the lens cover on. Little tricky getting them mounted to a 3" pole but with the help of some big U bolts and a couple 5" pieces of 2X4 they tightened down nicely.
They work great for lighting up the area around and under the feeder. A couple of our feeders which are 150 yards or so from the stands so we use two of the lights to help light up the area. These lights stay on at 30 % power until they sense movement and go full bright for a min or as long as they sense movement. To be honest, we can't tell where the motion sensor is and they seem to have a mind of their own for going bright and dim when nothings under the feeder. All in all not bad. I paid $74 for each light and was simple to put the green film over the LED's.
Distance is not an issue, but the wind can make it interesting!
I used the ASF Lil Squealer for a while. Sounders wouldn't typically mind, but solo boars stayed out of the motion area to keep the lights dim. As soon as the light got bright, they were out of there. I think the instant bright feature spooked them with instant shadows, so I took it down. I bought Sniper Hog Lights and will mount them this weekend. Very expensive compared to the options listed above, but I've hunted under them before and they work very well. I learned a while ago it's better to spend the money on what you want versus trying to make something else work. Seems like I always ended up spending the money at the end of the day anyway.
I almost went with the Slow Glow lights, but after watching what the motion lights did to the boars, I was too skeptical to spend that kind of money on them. The slow glow very well may do the trick versus instantly bright, but went with a constant lighted source instead.