Hope all the THF folks are doing well.
Jim Welles here. As many of you know, I own and operate JFW Ranch Consulting, LLC, with my wife Kelly at 10600 Eagle Rock Ave, Albuquerque, NM 87122. My office phone number is 505.294.7861. My cell number is 505-967-6562. Our e-mail address is JFWRC@comcast.net. Kelly and I have been guiding and outfitting in NM over 30 years now.
We currently have two awesome opportunities for pronghorn antelope on our 22,000 Juan de Dios Ranch located 7-8 miles SE of Santa Rosa NM. The link to the Juan de Dios on our website is as follows:
https://www.newmexicobiggamehunting.com/hunt/private-antelope-hunts/You will need to click on the Juan de Dios Ranch on this page. You will see a slider bar with bucks harvested on this ranch over the years. I have many more pictures to display and will do so in new posts......once I remember how to post pics.
Some of you may know that NM has made major changes to the way antelope are hunted. Rest assured that the owners of the ranches we have the privilege of hunting WILL NOT be changing their management style and hunting mature bucks will remain the goal. However, a large change that did occure are the dates of hunts in 2019. If you are hunting a place that does not qualify for the PCRP (pronghorn conservation recovery program) your required dates are Aug 17-19 and Aug 27-29. We have applied for PCRP for the Juan de Dios. We are enrolled in this new program but we will not know the outcome until July. If we are successful, we plan to hunt the ranch mid Sept, peak rut for NM. This hunt will be guided 1x1. Please note our website refers to $3,650 ea. That price is guided 2x1. Lodging and meals are provided. This hunt is priced at $3,800ea + 7% NM Tax. Non-resident license fees are $65 for a Game License + $299 Antelope License + $5 for stamps.
Oh ya, did I mention that you and your partner will be the only folks hunting the ranch?
Please call or e-mail us with questions. 505-294-7861 or JFWRC@comcast.net.
Thank you THF!!