Been really good so far, love high water years. Met some first class n Texas a$$hats already this morning. The kind that drive the jacked up trucks that ignore you from 10 ft away as you say good morning. Not sure where they headed off to but me and the pup are patiently waiting in our spot, expecting a good hunt
I’ve shot the 2 3/4in nr 4’s of the heavy x this year, seems to work as well at least as heavy metal. Found a pellet in a mallard I shot at 15yds max today... he must’ve eaten concrete for breakfast was pretty surprised to find anything and a little confused
Hope I see something other than hooded mergansers in cass county tomorrow morning. Only shot mergansers thanksgiving weekend and saw a handful of woodies with no shot opportunities. That’s my only north Texas experience this year.
Found these bad boyz for duck hunting at cabelas today $199.99a case instead of $329.99
Online cabelas, they still selling them 28 gauge nr 6 bismuth at $329.99, but in the store they are $199.99 I bought 3 boxes in 28 gauge, there were 6 boxes left. I think i will buy the rest tomorrow, as they are probably mistagged. Nr 6 is kind of weak for ducks, but within 35 yards, they work perfectly.
In 16 gauge, they only had 1 case left in bismuth nr 5, a perfect duckload, so i took it.
This has been by far the worst season me and my friends have ever experienced. Really only had a couple of decent hunts but they were all divers with a few red heads sprinkled in. I don’t know if it’s all this rain or what, but I’m hoping to change our fortunes down on the coast for my bachelor party this weekend!
It’s the 2020 duck season and so far, kind slow on Ray Roberts public land this year .. walkin’ in. Been scouting off and on for the last 3 - 4 weeks, checking out different spots. Hopefully the small cold front this weekend will push some more birds down. Any other news in the NTX area?
Never mention lake names or ublic places on the board, it will piss off a lot of guys who hunt there and will increase the crowds. BTW welcome to THF!!
There is time, and you must take it, to lay your hand on your dog's head as you walk past him lying on the floor or on his settle, time to talk with him, to remember with him, time to please him, time you can't buy back once he's gone" GBE
Been pretty great so far. In my opinion the ducks are here they are just super concentrated right now. Haven't had a big enough push to load up stock tanks with ducks however. Due to the rain we got early in the year followed by hot weather without much rain a lot of places don't have the best habitiat right now. The places that do are pretty incredible though.
It's mostly teal down here on the coast so far. We've bagged some Bufflehead and Widgeon along with a handful of spoonies but I haven't seen a single Red Head, Pintail, Mallard or Canvas Back. We nearly scratched out a five man limit this past weekend in the back lakes, but it was a lot of long passing shots, these birds have been here a while and aren't decoying well due to being shot at nearly every day. I am hoping for some cooler weather after the split in order to push down a new crop of birds and to be able to hunt in a jacket and full waders for once lol.
Is anyone seeing any gwt in north texas. Im seeing very few. And yes the hunting has been extremely slow so far this season. The only concentration of birds I can find are wood ducks.