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Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: LSWO]
12/25/15 07:44 PM
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A lot of the organizations looking for combat veterans are trying to help them heal by getting them outdoors that is their reason for choosing combat vets
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: LSWO]
12/31/15 09:07 PM
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Bird Dog
Bird Dog
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i do this as well for vets with fishing I have a guids license and a 21ft cc boat I take disabled vet and family members if they like when ever they call i use my guiding business and catfish bait sells every penny i make goes to them. i take retirees and active duty guys out they alway offer to help pay for gass i dont use my money from guiding or bait sales to take t hese guys out so them helping to pay for fule is a help and normally i have more then one person so it is not more the 10-15$ each i do it because someone help me I would not be here if it weren't for him after my second deployment the army declassed me to human resources i know me in a job were i have to read write and memorize AR's was hard as hell for me. the guilt for coming home when my soldiers didn't I could not except it I was the eco it should have been me my morey trying to learn how to even tie my boots i had to relearn it was frustrating and every thing just became to much I meet this guy at the shop were i get tires and we talked for a bit he was a Viet nam vet that saturday he shoed up at my house beating on the door told me to get dressed were going fishing the pain in my back and legs was almost unbearable at the time but my wife made me go with in a few weeks every one started to nice a difference my CO thought i was taking drugs I had not hit shoved to threaten any one in almost a month my wie and kids noticed the change in my temper and i was not having anxiety attacks as often the night mares were not as bad even though i had them almost every night i went from 2-3 hrs max of sleep to around 4 on a really good night i would get 6 i now longer wanted to end it rehab therapy i did not get as frustrated even though i blowup every time i went in there the stress of having to leant things from scratch was one very inbarising to me i was never able to grasp words and writing i just didn't see them in the same mander as befor a lot of it lok backwards or out of order to me and still does but this guy a total stranger took his own time every statuary sunday and training holiday to make me go fishing being on the lake was calming I didn't feel i need to be on edge or have my head on a swivel i was not as tins as i was i ws not hyper viguletn when i was on the lake all i thought about was fish and how quite it was it was relaxing other then the few issues i had with bassfisremn tournament guy over keeping league fishing to eat i meant they get really mad when you keep a bass like your beating a child for no reason type mad one guy told me i was the reason why the bass populations on the lake was so pore i dont know how he can say that i pick up 4-5 keeps ever time i went out a few times i just got one or dunked but not vary often. i dont believes in acting fish just to through it back I like to eat them and so does my family but this guy claimed in the boat and was trying to take them out of the live well he did not get to far but that is how crazy they are a lot of the catfish guys dont like me much because i advertise on crags list and i under cut all there prices and a few bat makers have called me to complain and sent me some rude emails and pms on tff all because i dont charge what they charge they charge 400-500 for 4-5 hrs tops plus additional 75-100 for each person up to a total of 4 me i charge depending on how fare have to drive my i dont catch over 350 for 4-5 people and we fish till you have your limits or from sun up till 3-4 depending on how i feel i try to make it till 4 but once in a while i cant but most of them are done by 1pm as it is to hot the tell me i cant cover my expenses and every thing and make a profit some have caused me of not having a licens or not having insurance other are mad that made craigslist adds comparing me to them i have had 2 different guid companies come to my house one cut my fule line at night cought on security cam the other sliced my tires cont on cam he was not a guid he was a dec hand and on the side of the truck it had the guid service he works for not to meeting the licnens plate even though i do do this to make a living and i only do customer 3 times a week the rest of the week is set aside for vets and military guys and people are so narrow minded they think they own the lake or by giving me a hard time i am going to stop or chang what i am doing wich wont work as long as guys who need help keep calling i am going to keep doing it and i will under cut anyones price just to make them mad for ding ti i dont have the over head 95% of the other guys they buy expensive boats mine is nice but it s not new either it is older but well taken care of . and i paid cash to use it my self with my kids so making money with it is a bonus I love to fish so it works well i get to help guys the way someone helped me i feel good when i get a call from s wife girlfriend or even kids thanking me for giving them back parts of there husband or befriend and they thought was gone or ever. little kids happy dad is playing with them and going out side agin someone help me once and i am just trying to pay hime back and this is what he ask for so i am doing it. in helping them i am helping my self as well and all it cost me is some discomfort and time wich i had plenty of this trips you guys dont want to take you should they are all paid for in full by donations i know i help with head water for hearos the guys that i went with i did to know it was them it'll i got there i found out about it from someonee els but ranchers donate the hunts most are management hunts like what i did i shot an 8point that had a crappy rack no one is gong to pay 2500 hundred to shoot it it was never going to be a tropy dear and he id not want them on his land the land owner lost his older brother in Vam so he thous it would be a good idea to let purple heart recipients take 2 dear a doe and a buck the non purple hearts guys retires and stuff they went to a different ranch to shoot 2 does every thing i donated frome the cabins i stayed in they were going to pay to heave the head mounted for me and i said no use the money for an other vet or this october for the fishing event that i help with the get the local meat processor to process them any way you want again they donate there time to do this there is nothing worng with going on them your not asking for hand outs your not begging people genuinely want to be nice ad do thing for you it does not matter if its your fault you did not deploy to a combat zone. most of these like sapper said or to help soldiers who suffer with ptsd or have trouble getting around
Last edited by chemdawg; 12/31/15 09:24 PM.
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: LSWO]
01/01/16 09:02 PM
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Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: LSWO]
01/12/16 01:30 AM
Joined: Jan 2015
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Bird Dog
Bird Dog
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lol sorry i have a hard time with weighting and making it to were i can understand it so they tend to be long i am sorry to anyone who had to decipher my horrible writing i do my best but when i write what i thinking does not seem to come out on paper and they tend to be long but when i reread it it looks good i am doing my bust to keep them shorter but when i do they dont seem to get my point across i just need more practice writing sorry again i will try much harder to keep them shorter
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: jsplinter]
01/14/16 07:23 AM
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Yup didn't mean combat vets, veterans in general should be offered because whether or not you were hurt or deployed you signed the line willing to pay that ultimate sacrifice We have gotten off topic, but I agree on this statement. As was mentioned earlier it is up to the organization and the mission statement. For My organization it is combat injured vets only. That is not saying that they are more deserving, that is not it at all. The reason we have it this way is because we are using this as a mental therapy, meaning guys trying to get away and talk about things that they cannot talk to family about. It is not about the hunting, that is secondary in my opinion. If I were to bring in 4 combat injured guys and one that had an accident state side and never deployed then I would have 4 guys with war in common talking about it and one that only has movies to compare it to. I agree that all should have an opportunity as we all served this Great Nation and took the same oath. Back on subject, I see nothing wrong with going on free hunts if you are asked. My issue is simply those that use the disabled vet title to get the hunts. Sure if you meet the criteria of my organization, then fill out an application and get it sent in. That is one thing, but when you come on here and one of your first 10 post on this or any other board is "Wounded Warrior looking for hunt" then I see that as an issue. I get applications all the time and the first thing I do is do a google search. It is amazing what I find. If it works for them, oh well, it just gives us a bad name in my opinion.
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: LSWO]
01/15/16 03:48 AM
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Bird Dog
Bird Dog
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if you guys want to take something free for disabled vets of any era i offer free guided catfish trips for up to 4 people at a time for vet all i ask is 20$ for gass if you have it if not no big deal i guide in the spring and summer and make and sell catfish bait i use the money to take vets out fishing for active duty guys i just charge fuel cost for the trip they can take there whole family or battles i supply every thing other then drinks food sun screen and a cooler to take your fish home in we fish from sun up till 3-4 pm I don work i just 100% disabled as well and va does not pay much my boat is lary and will aclty fit a wheel chair in the deck of the boat i bought it just for the reason it is a 21 foot boat you can bring your family kids friends it does not matter I know when i go somewher i have to have someone with me if it is over an hour long i have issue my legs go numbe or give out i have issue so i under stand i just figure i am going to be out there already so it does not matter who goes if three is room if waco and limestone lake and lime stone lake resort give a free night stay to military retired or active duty police first responders firemen a free night in there basic cabins if its a long drive you can stay there and I can meet you at the dock here are a few pick of the catches i dont take a lot of picture but every one alway gets 50-150 fish each trip there not huge but great for fish fries with friend and neighbors that a 120 qt cooler  
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: LSWO]
06/14/16 04:47 AM
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Team Hillbilly
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Hope you got the hush-puppies,that's some eating.
Team Hillbilly I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left. Paralyzed Veterans of America
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: LSWO]
02/26/17 01:40 AM
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Light Foot
Light Foot
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A little late to the party, and probably off topic, but man oh man guys.. you all pretty much hit the nail on the head. I am an Army vet of 6yrs served in Iraq, twice deployed, never wounded. I've been on a couple of these hunts (I'm almost ashamed to say it now) one a few years back, I was so embarrassed by a few of the guys behavior I was with and bald faced lies- I swore I'd never go again. Then a couple months ago there was a last minute opening with a different group (this one for vets and first responders- I'm a FF) and I had the availability so I took them up on their most generous offer, and met friends I felt like Id known my whole life and who are already planning get togethers in each others elk/deer/fish camps for next year.. what a blessing indeed! Its like when you're in the service and its such a huge melting pot of all kinds of morons and then you become a little more of a moron yourself and those others grow up a little and then you all have something going. Well the thing is, when you get out people just arent always on the same level and it makes it hard. That and in truth- some people are genuine dirt bags. As a vet Id like to impart the following few simple guidlines to help you other vets along who may be contemplating a trip because nobody wants to be THE low man on the hunt or trip.
1. BE HONEST GUYS.. you have nothing to be ashamed of in your service, you put a uniform on and whatever it was that you did is enough. You were ready. Say outright "I was never wounded", half truths or allowing someone to believe what they assume makes you... a liar. Also, dont be making up BS- people know. You arent the first one to "have been a green beret in fallujah"... you will only look dumb.
2. Be a gracious guest- please and thank you and handshakes and family friendly language IS the ticket. Even if you get drunk in a hotel on their dime- dont go stomping and cursing and banging on doors because you used to be a First Sergeant or whatever.
3. Dont come empty handed if you can help it- this isnt a necessity but it goes a long way. Even if you can manage to bring some pictures of your service to share with your hosts, they would probably love that, these folks and the people who chip in to make it all possible would love to know you better. One cool thing, offer to pay for a drink or dinner for your guide or host or someone. Please dont be one of those always on the take. This last time out we brought some deer steaks and another guy had brought some other stuff too and other guys brought beer and one guy went to the store for charcoal and man we cooked and laughed and ate all together. Had a blast!
To you guys who offer these trips and support them, you guys are as good as gold. I dont think you could ever know how much it means to us. Im sorry sometimes people take advantage and make a poor showing. Thank you for everything you do! Sincerely.
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: LSWO]
03/27/17 06:46 PM
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BANDIT_DOC well said. I have had the great opportunity to go on one hunt when I first got released from medical and after that helped that same group for a while. Then I saw a need that was not being focused on so I started my own organization. So I have seen it from both sides. I probably should not have started this thread, just simply got sick of people claiming to be "A Hero" or saying that they have never been a part of an organization like mine yet I see them on TV on a hunt that I used to work with that was shot a year before. People do not realize that google is a POWERFUL thing. I use it and find as much information as possible. If you lie to me on an application what else have you lied about? Just one of those things. I love your 3 things though!!! Very fitting..
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: Treinta-Treinta]
03/30/17 01:08 AM
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THF Celebrity
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What, you don't ask them to submit a DD-214 and a VA rating letter? I've never asked a Vet to prove a damn thing nor will I ever. I've never had a problem with a Vet's honesty, can't say the same for some of the organized groups catering to Vet's.
Yes! A Weatherby does kill them deader.
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: LSWO]
03/31/17 02:59 AM
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One of my Drill Sergeant's told us on day one that people will want to do things for us for serving and its fine to accept their offers but never go out and use your service to this country to look for a freebie or a handout. That always stuck in my head. Ive hunted with one organization and when I contacted them I had no idea it would be free for me and thats exactly what it was. I dint spend a dime other than gas money there and back. Since then I have not hunted with any other organizations bc I am lucky to have great friends to hunt with and Ft Hood is very close. I have donated multiple items for auctions to raise money to get more soldiers into the outdoors. The one thing that I noticed being around these organizations is how many guys literally just want a hunt for free. They think they are entitled and I've seen some people get upset bc they only got to shoot a doe or a cull buck rather than a trophy and thats just sad. Be grateful for any opportunities you get, offer to help with dinner or cleanup, gut your own dang deer, and be grateful and make sure the person you hated with knows how grateful you are for that opportunity and most of all when you see someone trying to use their service for a freebie send them a PM or talk to them if that don't work call em out.
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: LSWO]
04/08/17 09:21 PM
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Texas colt45
Texas colt45
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saw this on another forum, because he is serving, taking advantage of people
hold on Newt, we got a runaway
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: LSWO]
10/13/17 03:59 AM
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THF Trophy Hunter
THF Trophy Hunter
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I agree with you guys. However, I did send a letter to Ferrari and let them know I would love to own one but as a disabled vet I just can't afford it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: texretvet]
10/13/17 03:09 PM
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I agree with you guys. However, I did send a letter to Ferrari and let them know I would love to own one but as a disabled vet I just can't afford it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. let us know how that works for ya 
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
12/30/17 01:30 AM
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Bird Dog
Bird Dog
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What, you don't ask them to submit a DD-214 and a VA rating letter? I've never asked a Vet to prove a damn thing nor will I ever. I've never had a problem with a Vet's honesty, can't say the same for some of the organized groups catering to Vet's. Especially those frauds that keep the donations.
Re: Disabled Vets Looking For Things
[Re: Stickman11b]
12/30/17 01:40 AM
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Bird Dog
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[color:#FF0000][u][i]I am a Veteran as well and I see nothing wrong with what you put. It seems most Veterans take a mile when you give them an inch. Those were usually the sh*t bags in the military. So... are you saying "most veterans" were sh***bags"?[/i][/u][/color]
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