Last Friday I show up after dark and want to check the feeders. So I take Silas the new pup and walk out into the woods. I've only had this dog less than a week and it's the first time I've had him outside off the leash, so I'm wondering whether he'll run off or stay with me. I'm standing underneath this feeder looking up at the spinner when this coon leans over from above me and looks down less than two feet from my head. He asks me what I'm doing messing with his feeder, but doesn't wait around for a response....he jumps off the feeder and lands with enough of a thud to catch the attention of the pup, and takes off into the brush, with the pup chasing right behind. Right then I'm wondering whether I'll ever get the dog back. The coon can't run very fast since he's so fat from eating corn, but he's just faster than the dog, at least fast enough to find a tree to climb. The dog comes back and everyone is happy, except the coon that issued a complaint to management because he can't enjoy a quiet dinner.

Podcast: Reasoning Through the Bible