Welcome to Take Em Out Bowfishing Charters. We are a bow fishing guide service in Central Texas. We are located around five local lakes and some great rivers here in Central Texas that we guide on. We also are not afraid to travel, so if you have a certain lake in mind we can arrange a special trip if needed. Price will be the same unless the lake is more than 2.5 hrs away. If the lake is more than 2.5 hours away we will negotiate a surcharge for the extra fuel.
We provide our clients with the best equipment available. All of the bows and gear are top of the line and everything you need to bow fish is supplied, all you need to book one of these trips is a current Texas fishing license. Also make sure you wear some comfortable shoes and clothes that you don't mind getting a little dirty and we can take care of the rest.
We have a fully equipped custom bow fishing boat with gear and a guide ready to take you out for some awesome fishing. The bow fishing boat has a minimum of 4-5 life jackets on board and all the proper safety gear including a first aid kit.
Our boat is a 2008 Duracraft 1860 center console boat with an eight foot deck and twelve Seelite 50 watt LED lights that will light up the water like daytime. It's equipped with a 90 HP Mercury motor and holds four comfortably.
We provide a cooler with ice and drinks. If you prefer different beverages or snacks please bring them with you.
We usually meet at the boat dock or marina of the lake or river we will be fishing. We will have a brief safety discussion and go over all of the equipment and the boats as well as sign a liability disclaimer. This is required for all trips!
After the safety discussion if necessary we will demonstrate how to use the bowfishing equipment, give specific details on how to aim and let you sling a few arrows in order to get a feel for the equipment. After that we start bowfishing! We will adjust the draw weight of our bows to your comfort level so that women and children can enjoy a night on the water. The average weight that we shoot is approximately 30 lbs. For the kids we will decrease the weight of the bow down to around 18 lbs. Most women that go out with us tend to shoot around 25 lbs. of draw weight.
You don't have to be a pro to go on one of these trips. We take plenty of couples and even young adults and children that have never even shot a bow. We will have you hitting fish in no time. We take the time to explain everything and answer any questions you may have. Showing you a great time and putting you on plenty of fish is our main goal. Whether you have experience or want to try something new, this is a great activity fun for the whole family.
Price breakdown :
$150.00 per person for 4 hours of fishing, an additional 2 hours is available at a $50.00 extra charge
There is a minimum of 2 people per trip and a max of (4 people total) per boat.
We accept PayPal and all major credit cards as well as cash for payment.
Most trips will start at 8:00 PM and end at 12:00 pm. The evening trips have the most action as the temperature is cooler and the fish come up to feed. We also offer 4 hour daytime trips as well these trips require polarized sun glasses in order to spot the fish under the water.
My first priority is your safety. If I feel that the weather conditions are too severe, I will postpone the trip. You will have the choice to reschedule or have your deposit refunded. In the event that I feel the weather may cause a night to be less productive or shortened due to severe rain, wind or stained water; I will let you know up front and give you the opportunity to make the decision as to whether or not you want to chance going out and possibly having an unproductive night or having to come back in early. If your decision is to go ahead with the charter after I have given you the option and if we put the boat in the water and then the weather becomes a safety factor causing us to come back to the dock, this will be considered a full charter regardless of how long we have been out. However if I feel that safety is an issue before we launch the boat then I will make the decision for you. The above statements are not something that happens often. In fact this has only occurred on one occasion. We have had to cancel trips in advance due to inclement weather. Rest assure that I will do my best to stay out until I feel the weather becomes a major safety factor. When the wind is gusting and the rain is pouring you will not be able to see fish anyway due to the choppy water. Feel free to contact me with any questions on this matter.
All of are bowfishing trips we guarantee you the opportunity to shoot fish, or you DON'T PAY! It's our job to make sure you have a great trip and show you a great time. We work hard to treat you more like a friend then a client.
We are available during the week or for weekend trips. Call us to get your trip booked and for all the details.
For any questions please call and be sure to check us out on facebook at
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Take-Em-Out-Bowfishing-Charters/186646898173109 Seth Skinner - 254-421-2401
God Bless and thanks for checking us out!
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you. Isaiah 43:2