Had a pretty great weekend with a lot of good friends that don't get to share the blind too often together.
Austin (Gigemaggie) and I were in a wedding Friday night for a good buddy of ours from A&M (or at least we thought he was a good buddy, who gets married during duck season!?! Haha JK) so we made the most of the situation and found some birds for the weekend.
Despite having a couple too many margs at the rehearsal, I made it up and over to Arkansas for a good shoot on some grey ducks and shovelers (See the close up below)
Austin and a couple guys hunted a cypress hole on Saturday where they smoke the gads early and often. I was up a little later on Saturday due to the fact that the wedding reception lasted longer than I anticipated! I slipped off into a little slough and pulled out a nice limit of mallards and a kicker teal.
Sunday was an absolute blast. We went to a slough with some buddies that were in town for the holidays and the wedding and shot em with their feet down. It was a good time in the woods with friends that hadnt all shared a duck hunt together in probably the last 5 or 6 years. I doubt we all wait that long to get together again!
Hope you enjoy the pics!

Anybody ever seen a shoveler like this?