WOW... What a action packed weekend at the 2014 World Predator and Wild Hog Expo in Waco Tx.
We started out Fri night hanging with the Boondock Outdoors family and enjoying some great Texas BBQ and The Jason Boland concert.
Then Sat we spent all day at the expo checking out all the cool exhibits and spending time with all my great friends that came down for the expo.
I also got to spend some time with some amazing kids that called in the youth calling competition. It put a huge smile on my face to see the next generation of predator hunters learning the the art of hand calling.
Then Sat night 7 of us went on a guided bowfishing trip by yours
It's was one of the best times I have had on the boat to many laughs to count... and we even managed to get every one shooting a few fish.
Then Sun we were back at the expo for the 2014 World Predator Calling Competition and let me tell you the contest this year was tuff to win all the callers did an amazing job and made it tuff for the judges to pick the winners.
I enjoyed being this year's Calling Competition Director it was a full time job
With the help of my lovely wife Robin Skinner we managed to keep things running as smooth as possible!
After the show was over on Sun we had a great meal with Luke Long and Brett at Texas Roadhouse and then headed out calling to try are luck in the rainy conditions before the Coyote Light crew headed back to PA.
With the help of my good friend David Stroud we were able to get Luke Long a big male coyote and a nice female red fox down even in the bad conditions. I pulled in the drive way at 5:00 am this morning just in time to take a shower and head to work ... Sleep deprived ? Yes... Was it all Worth it You bet!
Can't wait till next year! I pray everyone gets home safe and enjoys some much needed rest.
Here's some pics from the expo!
God bless Skinner

2014 Winners of the Pro Division and All Around World Champion.

2014 Winners of the Hunters Division

All the contestants for the Kid Division

2014 Winners of the Kids Division

Congrats Grady!!!

Few more of the Kids that entered the contest.