First off the other half has been reluctant to go for fear of being bored. She has always been a city girl. After this last weekend she was hooked (even though we didnt do much hunting) and is asking when we can go back and actually HUNT.
It was me, Jessia, Eva (6yo) and my other daughter (16 yo brunette) Shayla.
We get there just at dark Sunday night and set up camp and get the fire going. Eva is soooo ready to roast some marshmallows and tell some scary stories.

After a little while it is time to go pull the TC cards. We leave the kiddos at camp. Me and Jess jump in the jeep and off we go.
First stop is the pig pipe about a 1/2mi from camp. There is a spot on the lease road where you have a full 160yd view. I have 2 small solar lights set up on it. As I come to a stop to take a look I didnt notice any movement. When I start to take off I see several pigs head for the brush but it is to late to take a shot. We drive the trail to the pipe and find the camera dead and no pics on the card.
We make our way over to my feeder and swap that card. I take a few minutes explaining the set up to Jess. Remembering her being in awe at all of the stars in camp (with fire and 2 lanterns) I walked her a few yards into the opening and told her to look up. She was beside herself at the amount of stars she could see.
Next we went to my new pig pipe to pull the first pics. Had a few deer passing by, a lot of pigs and COWS. GRR
There are a couple of high ridges on our lease that allow you to see about 80% of the 1k acres and the surrounding land. We drove up there even though it was dark. We walked out to one of the ridges just to feel the cool breeze and look at the stars. I was looking around below with the flash light in hopes of spotting a pig or 2. We seen 2 bucks crossing a clearing. She found that to be very cool.
She was admiring the large numbers of (now) huge stars and asked what that light colored trail was crossing the sky. I informed her it was the milky way. The city lights will hide it well.
We got back to camp and I put some chicken quarters and veggies on the grill. We all sat around the fire just chatting and soaking in the peacefulness of the outdoors.
The wood was wet from the rain so I had a hard time getting the fire hot enough to cook the food but I got it done.
I set the alarm for 5:15a but it was already after 1 so I wasnt so sure I would get up on time.......and I didnt.
Me and Jess got to the pop up about 8:30. I checked the card and everything had already come n gone. We still sat there for a couple of hours as she quietly asked the whys and hows about hunting and my different set ups.
I decided to cut the sit short so we could take the kids around the lease in the day light.
Again our first stop was my first pig pipe which has a tripod over looking it. Jess climbed up to have a look around. I didnt know but Eva wanted up there too but mom had said no. Before we leave the pipe I tell Eva, lets climb to the top. Mom was a lil scared but let me do it. Of corse I was one step under her at all times.

Eva REALLY liked that.
After that we spent a few hours driving around the lease doing a little bit of 4x4 rock climbing. Eva had a blast looking around, picking flowers an hunting for rocks. She is a lil rock hound for sure.
We wrap up the tour and head back to camp. Pack it down and head home.
Last night Jess mentioned she has a new appreciation for my hunting. She didnt realize how much work and passion went into the gear, the set ups, the strategy, the hunt and the joy of just getting away. I asked her what she thought it was and she couldnt answer that question. Just that now she knows what it really is and cant wait to go back with me.
Even though I didnt get any game, the 2 days spent there were a complete success.
I can be stressed to near death and when I pull out of the drive on my way there it is all forgotten. Even if the thoughts enter my mind, they are short lived and without stress.