Western Oklahoma Trophy Outfitters was created for the hunter with the same passion and determination to grow and hold trophy whitetails as we have. By the proper use of food plots, along with providing our deer herd with year round supplements and minerals, we’re able to grow world class trophy whitetails.
WOTO is operated on 100% Fair Chase private property under a strict Quality Deer Management Program. We heavily enforce a no exception 3.5 year old or 130" minimum on all of our WOTO farms. This ensures a consistent maturity level and quality deer herd for our clients. To make this possible, we implement proven low pressure, low impact hunting guidelines. Our goal is to provide you with one of the highest quality hunts that Oklahoma has to offer and leave you with unforgettable whitetail memories that will draw you back year after year.
2013 Season Dates **
Whitetail Deer (Archery only) 5 day Hunts- Season: Oct 1st- Dec. 15th - $2500.00
3 day Hunts- Season: Oct 1st- Dec. 15th - $1800.00
Whitetail Deer (Muzzleloader only)5 day Hunts-Season: Oct. 26--Nov. 3rd - $2500.00 (share camp with Rick White with Hunters Specialties!!!) **episode to air on the sportsmans channel and to be featured on the next Primetime Bucks DVD**
3 day Hunts-Season: Oct 26th-Nov. 3rd - $2000.00
Whitetail Deer (Rifle only)5 day Hunts- Season: Nov. 23-Dec. 8th - $3000.00
3 day Hunts- Season: Nov. 23-Dec. 8th - $2500.00
Package Hunts**3 day combo Deer bow hunt, and you pick either a Hog or Turkey hunt $2100
**5 day combo Deer bow, and Hog or Turkey hunt $2800
**3 day combo Rifle or Muzzleloader hunt for deer, and hogs or turkey $3000
**5 day combo Rifle or Muzzleloader hunt for deer, and hogs or turkey $3500
Be sure to stop buy our booth at the MIDWEST HUNTFEST coming up in Wichita, Kansas on August 9-11th!!!!
www.midwesthuntfest.comPM us with any questions or for more information!!!