Did you see anything? i took a spike there on Nov. 6. Its been too hot lately for me to hunt but i have been back since then but saw no deer.You dont need to apoligize if someone leaves their stand there for too long. i have always wanted to talk to someone that hunts there but i go during the week so i wont have to deal with the late comers who tromp around after light. are you talking about the duck cove unit?
Yea its the Duck Cove Unit. I have seen 3 deer so far but none that I could determine if I could shoot or not as most have been to far for me to shoot with my bow. I was one of the late comers Saturday and there was a guy in his pop up blind hence the post. I doubt the person reads this forum but it felt good to apologize anyways.
So far I have hunted the first pond 500 yards in and the clearing just north of it after fighting through some brush. I have also hunted the clearing of the pipeline that runs through the place. The pond I have seen nothing but hog tracks on. The clearing north of it I have seen 2 deer in and 1 deer on the pipeline clearing.
I don't get to go in much before dawn since I hunt with my dad and he has a disability which makes him a real slow and careful walker so if I mess up your hunt I apologize in advance.
If you are interested in swapping any info let me know, I haven't hunted it alot yet but have seen alot of signs and don't mind passing on what I see.