My dad's best friend passed away in 2008 and left me several of his guns in his will. He was always customizing his hunting gear and put camo on everything.
So as a tribute to him, I decided to customize his Winchester Model 70 chambered in 270 that he had left basically stock.

I had the 19" barrel cut down to 16", crowned, and threaded by Morgan at Dallas Shooting Supplies.
The stock was camo-dipped by David at in Boneyard Legends Camo.
I swapped out the Simmons Aetec scope for a Leupold VX II 4-12x50. The suppressor is from Ross Precision Gunworks.
(I would highly recommend all theses gentlemen, and I plan to give them more of my business in the future.)

I'm glad to have it all together, and can't wait to go hunting with it.