First off I hunt in Young county . Small ranch under 400 acres . I have taken a few good deer off this place over 150 class. All typical bucks . Pretty much looking for only mature bucks at my age . This morning was one of my most exciting hunts since I have been hunting here. I can see as many as 30 or 40 doe when the wheat comes up and a lot of different bucks over the years . This morning was the first non typical buck I have seen and couldn’t get on him due to brush in the way before he left. How’ ever my camera popped one picture of him before he left the area. So I would like yalls opinion on his age . Score if possible even though I know the pic doesn’t show it all. One of the other hunters that hunts this area has given me his opinion . I trust his opinion. What do y’all say.
Depending on what the rest of him looks like that deer could get well into the 170’s. He will not net that high but gross is a far better representation of what the deer actually has on his head. Buck of a lifetime for most hunters.
I’d use all my vacation/sick and play hookie as much as possible and hunt him till end of season, have grandkids or a youth and let them take him to extend the season so you can watch for him.?
Ok , it didn’t happen this morning and have to go back to work . I have 2 cameras running and will see what’s happening this week . If he starts popping up on the cameras I will be right back at it again . I have my doubts that my little piece of land will hold this deer event though he has everything he needs there. If he gets stupid and goes too far off he will be toast . Besides our place no hunters on around 2000 acres on all sides of us. We will see.
Update on this Buck. Have not seen him on camera are all my time hunting since I posted. Tuesday morning he appeared on camera on both feeders so he is still hanging around. Going to be out Friday through Sunday so maybe it will happen . After seeing these pics guessing around 165 . I am not good scoring these kind of bucks . This deer isn’t staying long . 8 minutes between feeders.
Both pictures are of the same buck . He was on one feeder probably not long . It took him 8 min to get to the other feeder. One picture on each feeder so I know he wasnt there long . The cameras will keep taking pics as long as they are there moving around. There were 2 8 pointers there on the next picture but they didn’t stay long either.