By: Kay Ledbetter
Writer: Kay Ledbetter, 806-677-5608,
Contact: Dale Dunlap, 806-826-5243,
Andy Holloway, 806-323-9114,
CANADIAN – A Quail Appreciation Day program will be conducted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service offices for Hemphill and Wheeler counties on May 23 at the Elm Creek North Ranch.
The program will bring landowners, naturalists and other enthusiasts up to date on the current quail population decline and present some possible remedies, said Dale Dunlap and Andy Holloway, AgriLife Extension agents for Wheeler and Hemphill counties, respectively.
The primary presenter will be Dr. Dale Rollins, state coordinator for the Reversing the Decline of Quail in Texas Initiative. Rollins also is director of the Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch at Roby and a retired AgriLife Extension wildlife specialist.
Rollins said bobwhite quail are on the ropes in most of their range. The Quail Appreciation Day program will offer land managers the opportunity to learn how their management practices impact quail abundance.
The program will start at 8:30 a.m. with registration and end by 4:30 p.m.
The workshop will include instruction on quail physiology and management, and an afternoon tour featuring regional management and habitat assessment techniques. Topics are restocking quail, supplemental feeding, cows and quail, predation management, evaluating quail habitat and brush sculpting.
Individual preregistration is $10 due one week prior to the field day; $20 thereafter and at the door. Lunch will be served and is sponsored by Panhandle-Plains Land Bank.To preregister, call Holloway at 806-323-9114 or Dunlap at 806-826-5243.
Three Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units for private applicator license holders will be available — two general and one integrated pest management.
Directions to Elm Creek Ranch North are: go north of Allison eight miles on U.S. Highway 277, which turns into Ranch Road 2654. Cross the Washita River Bridge and go 0.4 miles to the first gate on the east side of the road. Or coming from Canadian, take U.S. Highway 83, turn east on State Highway 33 and then south on Ranch Road 2654 for five miles.
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