U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Somerville Lake
Annual Challenged Hunter Program
2008 Deer Hunt
The Twentieth Annual Challenged Hunter Deer Hunt will be held at the Somerville Reservoir on Friday the 5th and Saturday the 6th of December 2008. The Safety Orientation and range activities will take place on Friday the 5th of December 2008, with a morning and evening hunt conducted on the 6th of December 2008. The activity is being sponsored by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, the National Association of Handicapped Outdoor Sportsmen (NAHOS), and the Lions and Rotary Clubs of Somerville. Valuable support and assistance is also received from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Once again, we will have a larger hunt with a total of 28 hunters selected for the hunt. We will be hunting both the Deer Hunt Area as well as Rocky Creek Park again after a successful hunt last year. In all a total of 34 deer were harvested from the park, 6 shy of our 100% harvest success rate. Due to the amount of wounded deer last year, hunter's that hunt in the park will be required to use slugs only.
To be eligible for the hunt each applicant must be confined to a wheelchair, possess a valid Texas hunting license, and a valid driver's license or I. D. card.
A drawing will be held at 1:00 pm on Monday the 3rd of November 2008 at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Project Office in Somerville. The enclosed application form must be filled out completely and returned to the Hunt Coordinator at 1560 Thornberry Dr., Somerville, Texas 77879. Be sure to include a current telephone number where the applicant can be reached if drawn for the hunt. Make sure the mailing address is current so the status of the application can also be verified by mail. Applications must be received in this office by noon October 31st 2008 to be included in the drawing.
Numerical values will be assigned to all the applications received by the deadline. A computer set of random numbers with the population determined by the number of applications, will be generated. These numbers will determine the hunters and the alternates. There will be 28 hunters selected. The number of deer to be taken by hunters will be determined after spotlight surveys have been conducted. If there are any hunters selected that cannot participate, I will contact the next hunter on the list and so on until a replacement is found.
The reservoir is located near Texas Highway 36 at Somerville. For additional information contact the Hunt Coordinator at the Somerville Project Office (979/596-1622 or 1624), or Mr. Kenneth Knesek our Program Coordinator at 979/535-4074.
Additional information will be sent to selected hunters.