Wildfire Preparedness Seminar set for Jan. 30 in Kerrville

By Paul Schattenberg paschattenberg@ag.tamu.edu 210-467-6575

Roy Walston, 830-257-6568, rwalston@ag.tamu.edu

KERRVILLE – A Wildfire Preparedness Seminar will be held 5:30-7:30 p.m. Jan.
30 at the Upper Guadalupe River Authority Lecture Hall, 125 Lehmann Drive in

The seminar, which is free and open to the public, is presented by the Texas
AgriLife Extension Service in conjunction with the Upper Guadalupe River
Authority and Kerr County Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District.

Registration is from 5-5:30 p.m., followed by a short welcome and introduction
by Ray Buck, general manager for the river authority, and Roy Walston, AgriLife
Extension agent for agriculture and natural resources, Kerr County. Seminar
presentations begin at 5:40 p.m.

“Presentations will be made by various state and local experts and will cover
not only wildfire preparedness, but also many issues directly or indirectly
associated with wildfire and wildfire preparation,” Walston said.

Seminar topics include an overview of the current drought situation and future
predictions, discussion of current groundwater and surface-water levels, a
legislative forecast, a weather forecast, wildfire prevention and preparedness,
and burning regulations. A wrap-up and panel question-and-answer session will be
held at 7:30 p.m.

Presenters include headwaters conservation district board president Gordon
Morgan; Upper Guadalupe River Authority natural resources coordinator Tara
Bushnoe; State Rep.Harvey Hilderbran; Texas Forest Service fire prevention
specialist Mary Kay Hicks; Kerr County Environmental Health Department director
Ray Garcia; and Lubbock-based television meteorologist Cary Burgess.

For more information, contact the Upper Guadalupe River Authority at

�Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.�
~ John Muir