Elite Gundogs Kennels is holding a Snake Avoidance Course Sunday August 28, a few days before Dove season opens.
This class is open to all dogs of any size, breed or sex.
Eric, Owner/ Lead Trainer at Elite knows from experience how frightening and painful a poisonous snake bite can be. Years ago his dog, Levi was bit in the face by a rattlesnake while hunting. Eric still remembers to this day the intense swelling in the dogs snout, the way the dog screamed in pain, and the fear that his dog would not survive. Levi lived, but only because he was bit in the face, according to the vet this amount of toxin anywhere else in the body would have killed the dog quickly.
Since then, Eric has put each and every one of his dogs through snake avoidance training yearly. He knows how effective it is because his oldest and most trusted companion, Jake steers clear of them every year when they go back for another course. Living in Texas, snake avoidance is extremely important for your pet or a hunting dog. I could give you a list a mile long of places that your dog could come in contact with a poisonous snake, number one being in your back yard.
Avoid the heartache of a painful and potentially deadly snake bite by enrolling your dog in snake avoidance training. The one afternoon class costs $40.00, a small fee for such amazing protection.
Time slots for the course will be based on who signs up for the course first, so if you are interested please be sure to respond by email to Allison@elitegundog.com .
Please forward this message to anyone you know who has dogs, as this course could truly be the difference between life and death for man's best friend.
Co-Owner/ Trainer/ Officer Manager
Elite Gundogs