Rainwater harvesting course to be offered Nov. 6 in San Antonio
Course will address rainwater capture basics, rain barrel construction
October 15, 2010
Paul Schattenberg, 210-467-6575,paschattenberg@ag.tamu.edu

Contact(s):Bryan Davis, 210-467-6575, by-davis@tamu.edu

SAN ANTONIO – The Texas AgriLife Extension Service and San Antonio Botanical Garden will sponsor a Rain Barrel Workshop from 9 a.m.-noon on Nov. 6.

The workshop will be held at the botanical garden, 555 Funston in San Antonio.

"Rainwater harvesting is a tried-and-true way to capture free water from rainfall," said Bryan Davis, AgriLife Extension agent for agriculture and natural resources in Bexar County. "You can save money by collecting and storing rainwater and using it to irrigate your trees, shrubs and flower beds, even provide water to pets or wildlife."

Davis will be one of the program presenters, along with Bexar County Master Gardeners Lou Kellogg and Mary Fernandez.

The workshop will address the basics of rainwater harvesting for the home and garden, and participants will learn how to make their own rain-collection barrel to take home, according to program instructors.

The fee is $55 per person, and checks should be made payable to Bexar County Master Gardeners.

The program will be limited to 30 people, so attendees are requested to RSVP by Nov. 3. For more information and to register, contact Sasha Kodet at 210-207-3270 or sasha.kodet@sanantonio.gov .


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where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.�
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