The Texas AgriLife Extension Service offices in Terrell, Pecos and Reeves counties will conduct a free quail management workshop beginning at 8:30 a.m. June 15 at the Texas AgriLife Extension Center at 1618 Airport Drive in Fort Stockton, Texas.

Three continuing education units from the Texas Department of Agriculture will be offered.

Texas AgriLife Extension wildlife specialists Dr. Dale Rollins of San Angelo and Ken Cearley of Canyon will speak.

Topics will include key plants for scaled quail, quail management strategies, assessing scaled quail populations, economic impacts of quail, and wildlife-management on lands coming out of the conservation reserve program.

For more, call Mark Carroll, AgriLife Extension agent, in Terrell County, at 432-345-2291

�Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.�
~ John Muir