I thought yotes eating corn was pretty desperate, now illegals are too, pounding it into tortillas? Lol
Or amazed we waste food on deer and javis
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, b/c they know not victory nor defeat"- #26 TR
Re: Best Deer Feeder's For....
[Re: Stub]
#918248602/06/2501:31 PM
I've seen a trail cam pic of a family boiling it by a water trough. Yes, they knew, somewhat, what they were getting into. But, especially with little ones, I have a hard time laughing at that. No one wants to find a dead, dehydrated human infant in their deer blind either. That happens too.
Secure ALL of the border and remove the temptation. These people don't have the education level to fully realize what they're getting themselves into.
...and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Gen. 1:28
Looks stout for sure, but doesn't look like it has much to defend against the varmints, though...
There’s only about a 5/8” gap for them to reach in and he uses an eliminator plate. Plenty secure, I asked him for a list of dealers when he relays it over I’ll post it up.
Looks stout for sure, but doesn't look like it has much to defend against the varmints, though...
There’s only about a 5/8” gap for them to reach in and he uses an eliminator plate. Plenty secure, I asked him for a list of dealers when he relays it over I’ll post it up.
Re: Best Deer Feeder's For....
[Re: Stub]
#918951802/20/2512:44 PM
Ran across this feeder, looks interesting, does anyone have one?
TWS 600lb Lucky Buck Deer Feeders $800 · I
That’s a pretty good looking feeder.
Guys on my lease got these this year. They had problems originally where it was dumping way too much feed, but I think they got that worked out by getting in there and adjusting the plate which wasn't super easy with the design. However, they seem like they are built like a tank and are very sturdy. I was impressed with the construction.
Re: Best Deer Feeder's For....
[Re: Stub]
#918971802/20/2506:28 PM
If the legs were angled out it would give it more satbility. I wouldn't worry about it when it was full, but if it got down towards empty I'd want to anchor it to the ground with some T- posts. Can't see the contoller/timer but the feeder looks pretty stout.
Ran across this feeder, looks interesting, does anyone have one?
TWS 600lb Lucky Buck Deer Feeders $800 · I
That’s a pretty good looking feeder.
Guys on my lease got these this year. They had problems originally where it was dumping way too much feed, but I think they got that worked out by getting in there and adjusting the plate which wasn't super easy with the design. However, they seem like they are built like a tank and are very sturdy. I was impressed with the construction.
Could they not set the run time down so that it would spin for fewer seconds?
An unethical shot is one you take, that you know you shouldn't.
If the legs were angled out it would give it more satbility. I wouldn't worry about it when it was full, but if it got down towards empty I'd want to anchor it to the ground with some T- posts. Can't see the contoller/timer but the feeder looks pretty stout.
agree, hogs would give it fits in my areas once it was down from full. t-posts would be a must.
"everyone that lives dies but not everyone who dies lived..."
Ran across this feeder, looks interesting, does anyone have one?
TWS 600lb Lucky Buck Deer Feeders $800 · I
That’s a pretty good looking feeder.
Guys on my lease got these this year. They had problems originally where it was dumping way too much feed, but I think they got that worked out by getting in there and adjusting the plate which wasn't super easy with the design. However, they seem like they are built like a tank and are very sturdy. I was impressed with the construction.
Could they not set the run time down so that it would spin for fewer seconds?
They had it down to two seconds and it was still emptying at 10x the rate mine was.
Last edited by brushcountryhunter; 02/20/2508:02 PM.
Re: Best Deer Feeder's For....
[Re: Stub]
#918980402/20/2508:29 PM
Ran across this feeder, looks interesting, does anyone have one?
TWS 600lb Lucky Buck Deer Feeders $800 · I
That’s a pretty good looking feeder.
Guys on my lease got these this year. They had problems originally where it was dumping way too much feed, but I think they got that worked out by getting in there and adjusting the plate which wasn't super easy with the design. However, they seem like they are built like a tank and are very sturdy. I was impressed with the construction.
I wouldn't be interested in something I just paid $800.00 for and now I have to work on it to work properly.
Ran across this feeder, looks interesting, does anyone have one?
TWS 600lb Lucky Buck Deer Feeders $800 · I
That’s a pretty good looking feeder.
Guys on my lease got these this year. They had problems originally where it was dumping way too much feed, but I think they got that worked out by getting in there and adjusting the plate which wasn't super easy with the design. However, they seem like they are built like a tank and are very sturdy. I was impressed with the construction.
I wouldn't be interested in something I just paid $800.00 for and now I have to work on it to work properly.
I don't disagree with you. They weren't happy about it.
My newest is a Lamco Low and Throw, and I couldn’t be happier. I have several other types of feeders, but after getting the Lamco, I’d never buy another like them.
All the others, since I had to squirrel proof them, drop the corn downward. That isn’t much of a problem, but it does lead to a hole being dug/eaten under the feeder.
I bought a 16' Cattle Panel, cut it in half and laid the panel down before putting the feeder in the middle atop them. Staked it down with 18" stakes from Amazon. It has prevented the Hogs from rooting below. Been in place for over 20 years.