I’ve settled on a G43MOS and will be putting a red dot on it. What would you recommend? I’m partial to Aimpoint because I’ve had excellent results on rifles. What you say?
The ACRO is bomb proof, but I personally don't like the thick bezel. DHS just issued them to all the guys down here for their glocks, so that says something about their confidence in them.
I agree with closed emitter if possible, keeps dirt, rain, etc. from obscuring the dot. I have a 6 MOA EPS that has served me well and isn't too pricey. 507k is also hard to beat if you don't get too dirty when carrying. 407k if you just want a simple dot reticle and don't need the multi-modes, will save you $50-100 bucks.
Trijicon SRO is what I run on my full size guns, but I wouldn't if I was working LE or physical labor where it might get knocked around. In those applications RMR HD would be my pick from them.