When is the best time to throw some seed down for feeder pen areas and around ?
Does anyone have a seed that you recommend that works good using the no till throw and grow method? My soils aren't the best but I think I have some soft enough dirt in my new spot I could get something to grow
Most seeds take 10-14 days to start coming up after the first rain. So, I plant mine around Oct 1, so that they will be up and attracting deer by November 1st. If you are just throwing the seed on the ground, Oats are as good as anything that you can use.
Cabin rental in Pagosa Springs, Co. Sleeps 10, If interested please PM me.
Broadcast seed in September before rain youll have to watch weather close.Hopefully this heat wave isn't around but It takes 4-5 days to germinate and its ph tolerant. Will grow in 5.4 ph to 7.0
I just got 8 good size plots of iron and clay cowpeas got a very good rain the next day. Had peas up on 6 days. The peas will last till the first hard frost but deer will still feed on them. Oats will go in about mid September depending on rain.a
We'll plant on Labor day if there's chances of rain in the forecast. But I'll get it in the ground by late Feb and just wait on rain if I have to. I just don't want to be in the field more than I have to leading up to bow opener.
Tolerance is the virtue of a man without conviction.
The end of the world began the day it was created, and life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease.
Yep Labor Day would work and it will be almost half grown by bow season takes 60-90 days full maturity with Antler King. I planted mine June 28th but I’m in Missouri my plot is 1 1/2 acres
What I used to do is get a wooden crate and put bolts through( 10 to 12) to scratch the ground up and a cement block tied up on top. Get a rope or chain is what I used and pull it around after throwing the seeds out. I suggest throwing out corn and pinto beans. they will come up and the beans will be gone when they get up to 12 inches...almost overnight. The corn stalks will last until February..I planted the third week in September as it usually rains there abouts.
First time I get a really good rain after opening day of dove season. It’s all about subsoil moisture. Best to scratch up the ground prior to planting time. Then put down seed and cover it.
Without a sense of urgency, nothing ever happens.
Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley, Rancher Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP
Follow the rain, you'll need 3 good rain days after you plant within a week or two. Don't get in a hurry like I did last year, we had a 1/2" of rain after I planted then nothing for 3 weeks. Plots really looked bad.
For feeder pen areas, the best time to throw down seed typically depends on your region and the type of seed you’re using. Generally, late summer to early fall is ideal because it gives seeds time to germinate and establish before winter. This timing allows plants to grow and be ready for spring when wildlife needs food.As for the no-till throw-and-grow method, a few seed options work well. For cooler climates, try planting a mix of clover, winter rye, or oats. These seeds are hardy and can grow in less-than-perfect soil conditions. In warmer climates, consider using a blend of wheat, barley, or brassicas like turnips or radishes, which are great for attracting deer and other wildlife.
Yep it’s all about preparing it at the right time. Shows rain coming by Sunday through Wednesday in Texas. Getter done time I planted June 29th in Missouri and looking awesome right now
When is the best time to throw some seed down for feeder pen areas and around ?
Does anyone have a seed that you recommend that works good using the no till throw and grow method? My soils aren't the best but I think I have some soft enough dirt in my new spot I could get something to grow
Hey there BIL. Throw some oats now. Seed/forage oats from any ag store are fine. You can also throw feed oats too (cheaper) but will have slightly less of it germinate
When is the best time to throw some seed down for feeder pen areas and around ?
Does anyone have a seed that you recommend that works good using the no till throw and grow method? My soils aren't the best but I think I have some soft enough dirt in my new spot I could get something to grow
Hey there BIL. Throw some oats now. Seed/forage oats from any ag store are fine. You can also throw feed oats too (cheaper) but will have slightly less of it germinate
My Young county lease for the next 10 days is showing temps in the 90s and almost no chance of rain. I would wait a few days if your in the similar weather. If I threw oats down around my feeders today with that 10 day forecast, it would just get hoovered up before it had a chance to sprout. I did get my first throw of oats down in late august just before 4 or 5 days of rain so I am sure it sprouted, but I would not be surprised if this long stretch of hot dry days burns it up. I saved the bulk of it for the next run of cooler wet days before I throw it.
Where i am, september is a notoriously dry month, so i always wait until there is a Good chance for rain. I would rather have bare dirt for opening week or three before i let my seed (and time) burn out due to lack of moisture.
I think of my plots as a food source for the winter months, not an attraction plot. Tho i do hunt over them, the purpose is to provide some food for the winter until spring. If there is a delay in getting the plot in until october, so be it.
No hurry where I'm at, gonna be in the 90's for the next 10 days and <20% chance of rain. I've got the plots weeds killed, finished mowing today. I'll be disking next and ready to seed when the rain shows up. Can't wait.
shredded and weeds down, biding my time for a cool wet front to be on the radar ... then will plow & plant. Looks like early to mid Oct. based on long range weather forecast
"everyone that lives dies but not everyone who dies lived..."
My place South of Bowie hasn’t had enough Fall rain for me to plant wheat in the last 5 or longer years. Well, make that more like 10 years. I recently got 4 inches over 2 days. Most of it ran off that helped the ponds/stock tanks. I scratched the soil and there’s not enough moisture to get a decent crop. And, none in the forecast.
Hunting around water holes might be a good strategy.
Last edited by Dave Davidson; 09/17/2412:49 AM.
Without a sense of urgency, nothing ever happens.
Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley, Rancher Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP