Found this bird feeder that attaches to my man cave office window. Very cool to be able to get this close to birds without them knowing you are there -
First pic bird on the right, who did it kill to get all of that blood on it? And how on Gods Green earth did you get those awesome pictures of the Great Horned owl?
And how on Gods Green earth did you get those awesome pictures of the Great Horned owl?
Walking down to my shop one afternoon I spotted the Horned Owl standing in the corner of a dog pen (we don't use) with the Cardinal/Redbird in its beak. Ran back to the house and grabbed my digital camera.
Owl didn't seem concerned at all with me standing 10 yards away. It proceeded to pull the head off the Cardinal and then swallowed the rest whole (yes the entire bird). I would have thought it would tear off pieces....but it just gulped it down.
Second pic is just after the Owl devoured the bird. Telephoto no problem getting a close up pic. Used my 'Flash' to help with detail.
Owl flew away shortly thereafter. Where and how it caught the Cardinal....I could't say. Didn't know they would eat other birds.
We had a mated pair of great horned owls in our back yard this spring. Actually caught them in the act. In less than a year my wife caught deer mating, mallard ducks mating (in our pool) and great horned owls mating. Pretty wild.