Out in San Saba doing some hog and Audad hunting last Saturday night and brought the Foxpro along. Set up before I got in the blind. I had read last week as I was prepping for my hunt that the Bluejay in distress was a great call for bobcats. Gave a whirl right when i got in the blind, it did a hell of a job bringing in 4 bluejay friends to check on the call :-)
Turned off the call the remainder of the hunt while hoping for hog and Audad activity. Slow afternoon for that, decided to throw on the Bay Bee Cottontail around 530. I quietly started to pack up my gear while the call played..let it rip for 5mins, muted for 5mins, back on again. I see movement out of my right eye and there she is slowly stalking in looking for the kill. She sits up right in front of me but i have the window shut on that side, worried Im gunna miss my chance. I make. A move to get to left window where I can get a shot if she moves in. I have to call in brush on the left side and she is approaching it about 25yrds now from call and 75 yards from me. Savage 22-250 55grain JSP did the job. She spun around a few times and scurried thru the brush about 25yds from point of entry. Was worried I was going to loose this one like my son did the week before in Laredo with a huge male bobcat.