It's been an absolute insane past couple of weeks and I had no time to post pictures until now so here's a BIG photo dump.
It's been our busiest and best fall yet! We had some awesome clients in camp including a Wounded warrior hunt, guided, semi guided and diy
hunts going on across all our properties in west Texas. Many many laughs memories and new friends made.

We had several clients take their first big game animal, a couple on their first hunt ever and we put a few on their biggest rams to date.
The Aoudad were free range along with the elk, Pronghorn, and a few blackbuck. The live pictures of the rams are ones still out there.
We put the smack down on some hammers and thanks to an amazing crew that made it all happen and to all of the landowners that allow me this great opportunity.

There are roughly 70 pictures and it was taking forever to upload them so please just check out my most recent post here to view them all:

Aoudad Hunts available September 2024 through March 2025 along with various other native and exotic animals.
Big trophy Whitetail available this season!
Or like and follow my business page to keep up with our recent hunts and specials. All available hunts and details are on my website.
Happy Hunting!

I offer primarily free range hunts and also preserve hunts on 1 million acres across west and southwest Texas for native and exotic game.

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