Who will be planting Fall food plots and what are you planting?
This year I will fertilize with 13-13-13, then I will plant 60% Buck Forage Oats, 25% Wildlife Mix, 15% Clover *I had great success with Buck Forage Oats in 2022. My plots were 2x as thick as only planting a Wildlife Mix, which is what I did in 2021 **Deer fed on the oats from late October thru mid-March.
TBar---if I were you, I would plant something other than exclusively Winter Wheat (add some Oats, maybe some Winter Peas) and pull deer off your neighbor!!
forage oats are hard to beat for tonnage and attractant.
Spring peas are a good way to increase your winter crop tonnage also
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, b/c they know not victory nor defeat"- #26 TR
small plots with mixed seeds of oats, wheat, turnip, clover, peas, chicory, plus a few others on my central TX place, likely just oats on my east TX place
"everyone that lives dies but not everyone who dies lived..."
Stick with the same mix I’ve used the the last 2 yrs. Mixture from E Tx seed co in Tyler. Cereal rye, oats, turnips, peas, vetch and a couple types of clover. Pre inoculated.
I still remember my dad old saying during the late heat of the summer ... "oh it will rain some before Sept. 1 ... always has a way of screwing up opening day of dove season to scatter the birds away from water holes" ...
I will shred all my plot areas likely Labor day weekend, then watch for a cool wet front to push down later in Sept. plant in the dust and pray one or two of those fronts have enough moisture.
"everyone that lives dies but not everyone who dies lived..."
You have to be careful with oats; planting to late and they won’t come up. But, the main factor where I’m at is ARMY WORMS! Has to cool at night to 50.
We put our oats in a 5 days ago in San Saba county, got a 2" rain the next day. That's all great but we gambled because army worms may or may not get us. If they do, we will reseed. only 5 acres. We have waited too late before too and that sucks as bad as army worms. Its a gamble every year since bugs, temps, and rain are hard to predict.
"It's not dyin' I'm talkin' about Woodrow, it's livin'!"
got mine done at my central TX place ... ground plowed like butter, perfect conditions ... about 2.5 acres spread over 5 plots, oats & winter peas. Praying for more rain (good chance Monday).
"everyone that lives dies but not everyone who dies lived..."
Plots have done really well this year for the most part. In areas where i have planted before and had good clover crop, the fullness is apparent. In one plot i planted for first time last year with just cereal grains, i planted the fall deer mix with clover this year. Its doing ok, but each succesive year shpuld be better yet as the nitorgen stores build up with the clover.
Seeing almost all the deer right now chowing on the plots and not touching the protein or corn. I suspect some acorn drop is hurting my sightings, but as the acorns dwindle i expect to see the plots used more and the feeders to be hit.