Ham’r #2 almost compete. Started as an American Ranch in .300 Blackout. Bought the conversion kit from Wilson and had a local smith do the swap. Topped with a Trijicon Accupoint 3-9. Have a Q Trash Panda on order to finish it out. Weather has been too lousy to shoot, but will be getting it to the range ASAP.
Well we found out today that my barrel doesn’t like Speer 125gr TNT’s That was with Hornady V Max 110 gr. Tried the TNT’s again and they shot a foot apart
some people like silver and gold I like brass and lead with a little powder in between
Well we found out today that my barrel doesn’t like Speer 125gr TNT’s That was with Hornady V Max 110 gr. Tried the TNT’s again and they shot a foot apart
Not sure what you mean by your barrel does not like the tnt's. Is that a 100 yard group and were they factory rounds? However... is the problem accuracy as in group size? My 18" has been shooting nothing but the 150gr btsp bullets in reloads for almost a year. Yet when I worked up loads with the 130gr HC bullet, the groups moved up about 8" at 100 yards. The actual group sizes were decent though the best load never quite matched the btsp bullet. Despite the change of zero the barrel liked the different bullet just fine.
I have shot many hundreds of the 125gr tnt's and they have always been accurate. It's been a while and I don't remember if there was much of a zero change when switching over to the 150gr btsp bullet.
Last edited by Big Sam; 02/05/2308:11 PM.
"Group think" is not thinking. It is the lack of independent thought. It is a cancer of the mind.
Bill the barrel is a 1 x 15. My OAL was 2.220 for the TNT’s one batch had 27.2 CFEBLK & batch # 2 was 25 CFEBLK batch # 3 was 23.0 4198 The VMax were 24 gr 4198 and OAL was 2.240 We trie the TNTs with and without the flash device and it didn’t make a difference The VMax were shot with the muzzle device on These were at 100yds. At 50 the TNTs still were a foot apart
some people like silver and gold I like brass and lead with a little powder in between
Bill the barrel is a 1 x 15. My OAL was 2.220 for the TNT’s one batch had 27.2 CFEBLK & batch # 2 was 25 CFEBLK batch # 3 was 23.0 4198 The VMax were 24 gr 4198 and OAL was 2.240 We trie the TNTs with and without the flash device and it didn’t make a difference The VMax were shot with the muzzle device on These were at 100yds. At 50 the TNTs still were a foot apart
OAL is too short on the TNTs, it needs to be 2.250-2.255, you have too much jump to the rifling. I always get best accuracy with both of these bullets over A1680 or CFEBLK.
Well i just made my purchase at Wilsons. Im going with the 11.3 SBR version. Im hoping ill like it as much as yall do.
I can't think of why you would not like it. Mine is accurate, not heavy and a ball to shoot. A little over 100 reloaded rounds were put thru it yesterday and it (as usual) ran perfectly. It has about 600-800 rounds thru it to date.
"Group think" is not thinking. It is the lack of independent thought. It is a cancer of the mind.
Well i just made my purchase at Wilsons. Im going with the 11.3 SBR version. Im hoping ill like it as much as yall do.
I love my 11.3" but with all the stabilizing brace debacle, which I'm sure will eventually be cleared up, I'm going to rebuild that upper with a 16" fluted recon when funds allow. I would have offered the 11.3" barrel to you had I known!
Originally Posted by Big Sam
I can't think of why you would not like it. Mine is accurate, not heavy and a ball to shoot. A little over 100 reloaded rounds were put thru it yesterday and it (as usual) ran perfectly. It has about 600-800 rounds thru it to date.
That was almost my exact setup! That little a Primary Arms 3x is impressive. I had several people look through it and compliment its clarity. So much so that a friend of mine bought it off of me to put on his AK. They're going to be releasing a 5x micro prism with a Mil grid reticle like the Griffin. I'm going to look into that after I get the 16" fluted recon into commission.
I'm with you on the 16" barrel thing. If push comes to shove (and I do not believe it will) I'll just go to a 16" barrel. But otherwise I'll stick to the 11.3" as it is a sweet shooter with lots of power.
Last edited by Big Sam; 02/07/2305:31 PM.
"Group think" is not thinking. It is the lack of independent thought. It is a cancer of the mind.
I read the article where you and Ryan killed elk with the Ham'R at 150 yards. I have planned 2 trips to shoot Texas Dall this Spring/Summer. What range and what bullet do you think would work best and do you think it would be better than Grendel for speed goats? We are hoping to do speed goats in Wyoming next year. I will most likely shoot 7 Mag but my wife loves her Ham'R
Freedom, paid for by the blood of the fallen, taken by the ink of congress!
I read the article where you and Ryan killed elk with the Ham'R at 150 yards. I have planned 2 trips to shoot Texas Dall this Spring/Summer. What range and what bullet do you think would work best and do you think it would be better than Grendel for speed goats? We are hoping to do speed goats in Wyoming next year. I will most likely shoot 7 Mag but my wife loves her Ham'R
I killed my Elk with a Hornady 150gr SST (.300 Savage version) and it would be a solid choice. Lehigh Defense will have a 125gr XME (Xtreme Maximum Expansion) bullet out soon that will be an excellent bullet for larger game.
Getting all my stuffs lined up. What kinda of trimmer are yall using?
I use a Forster trimmer. I use it every time to make sure the case mouths are square and I have it set for minimum length. Most of the time they don't need it but when they do it insures consistent neck tension which should contribute to accuracy...at least that's what I tell myself to justify the extra time.
[quote=Wilson Combat]The first two things I'd ck are to make sure the muzzle device is tight and the gas key slides once the end of the gas tube smooth so it doesn't flex the gas tube out of it's natural alignment. The only time I've seen huge groups like that were with a loose suppressor.[/
I'm sorry for not being an AR expert but could you elaborate on what you mean by "the gas key slides once the end of the gas tube smooth"?
I think he meant that the gas key slides OVER the end of the gas tube smooth. When I'm assembling an upper I spend quite a bit of time "tuning" the gas tube alignment until the tube does not move up, down, left, or right when the gas key meets the end of the gas tube. If it does I'll very gently bend the tube until the bolt carrier closes without disturbing its "natural" position as Bill said.
I do this as well but a lot of hobby builders miss these crucial steps. Sometimes it's taken me over an hour to get it perfect. I remove the bolt and tip the BCG in the upper back and forth in 4 planes (rail pointing up, rail pointing down, right side down, LS down) until it slides like butter over the tube in all planes.
Ok I did another run this morning. The muzzle device on or off makes no difference. The VMax loaded with 4198 @ 2.255 still group fine. The TNTs loaded with CFEBLK 27.4 grs. @2.255 shot much better but in 3 shot groups #1 is good #2 is a flyer & # 3 is good. Did this 4 times and it repeated every time. I loaded some 150gr Sierra flat base with 25grs CFEBLK and got about the same results as the TNTs except it was not always the 2nd shot that was the flyer. Oh yeah we changed scopes and mount with no change in groups. The first picture is the first shot is high because of the scope change. Then the 3 shot group after adjusting. The last shot was after adjusting again. The next picture is with TNTs The last picture is of the 150 gr. Sierra’s
some people like silver and gold I like brass and lead with a little powder in between