Envy you guys when the shooting starts. I will be setting on the back deck listening with my left arm in a sling from my surgery two weeks ago. Post pics please.
Not seeing many; wondering if the freeze did not kill most of the “local” morning doves. It’s never been that cold for them. Survivors were the white wing and Eurasia.
One opening day near Olney I was on one side of a point of trees and there was a few guys in a group on the other side. We could not see each other, but overhead above the trees we could see the dove we each were shooting at, so I often called out dove heading their way from my side and they did the same for me. They called out to me that a flock was coming over. As they cleared the top of the trees behind me, I only fired one shot and about 6 of those dove together took a 90 degree turn straight down to near the ground and out of those guys line of sight. It gave the appearance that all 6 birds had fallen dead as if I had shot them. Those dove then took another 90 degree turn straight away across the field, but they could not see that. Those guys were hollering and cheering my magic shot. For the next couple of minutes I could hear them through the trees talking about me. "Did you see that. That guy just killed 6 Dove with one shot.". Truth is to the best of my memory I don't think I hit a single one of those birds.
One opening day near Olney I was on one side of a point of trees and there was a few guys in a group on the other side. We could not see each other, but overhead above the trees we could see the dove we each were shooting at, so I often called out dove heading their way from my side and they did the same for me. They called out to me that a flock was coming over. As they cleared the top of the trees behind me, I only fired one shot and about 6 of those dove together took a 90 degree turn straight down to near the ground and out of those guys line of sight. It gave the appearance that all 6 birds had fallen dead as if I had shot them. Those dove then took another 90 degree turn straight away across the field, but they could not see that. Those guys were hollering and cheering my magic shot. For the next couple of minutes I could hear them through the trees talking about me. "Did you see that. That guy just killed 6 Dove with one shot.". Truth is to the best of my memory I don't think I hit a single one of those birds.
One opening day near Olney I was on one side of a point of trees and there was a few guys in a group on the other side. We could not see each other, but overhead above the trees we could see the dove we each were shooting at, so I often called out dove heading their way from my side and they did the same for me. They called out to me that a flock was coming over. As they cleared the top of the trees behind me, I only fired one shot and about 6 of those dove together took a 90 degree turn straight down to near the ground and out of those guys line of sight. It gave the appearance that all 6 birds had fallen dead as if I had shot them. Those dove then took another 90 degree turn straight away across the field, but they could not see that. Those guys were hollering and cheering my magic shot. For the next couple of minutes I could hear them through the trees talking about me. "Did you see that. That guy just killed 6 Dove with one shot.". Truth is to the best of my memory I don't think I hit a single one of those birds.
It will be the 48th opening day at the same place (family Farm) and 44th with the same gun (S&W 1000). Sad thing it will be the last hunt on the property and it will be a solo hunt at that. It will be somber to walk the fields one last time.
SW Young county. Sunflowers in that part of field are dead and dry, but still full of seeds. The Dove that were here a month ago have left. Zero Dove in field and at stock ponds. I'll have a good hog hunt at least. I do hope the managed fields near here have birds. It is mid day though. I was not out early this morning.