Back in the days of the screw worms, he would be gone by now. Also, you never know what they will attempt to jump. Back in January, a VERY nice buck attempted to jump from a neighbors place into mine. That's 96" game fence but he tried and got stuck. While I was driving checking fences late one evening, I almost didn't go to that fence line since it was out of my way and I was tired, cold, and hungry. Glad I did because coyotes would have eaten him before daylight. I had to work like hades to get him loose since he fought every move I made. Finally he must have realized I was helping him and I got him loose. He fell to the ground, snorted a few times while looking at me then turned and ran off into the brush. I could hear him for a while then he was gone. Coyotes missed a meal.


"Let's Go Brandon"