I just bought 2k pieces online of 223 nickel brass. I have not loaded much of it since I also found 1k pieces of already primed brass. Probably 50 pieces loaded so far and no problem with scratches yet. Also have loaded a lot of the nickel pistol brass with no problems. I’d imagine rifle brass is a bit different than pistol brass though. Jury still out.
I've heard they will scratch the sizing die. Then the die will scratch every other piece that goes through it.
I heard that from you so I stay away.
Never had that problem and I load hundreds of nickel plated cartridges a year for my 7mm-08, 458 SOCOM and 45acp.
I'm sure it's 'possible' or the issue would not be circulated out there. Haven't experienced it myself. Near the end of case life where cartridge necks become brittle, you will sometimes experience some 'flaking' but I have never, ever had any scratch a die or cause any issues.
Case life is marginally less than just plain brass...but that is the only downside to it.
I have loaded some of it over the years. With a hand trimmer it was very evident that nickle brass was harder to trim. I havent used any since and dont plan to.
I've heard all kinds of crap about nickle brass, it works fine and not going to hurt dies. I've hunted with nickle brass handloads from Alaska to Africa and in between. I prefer nickel brass, doesn't turn green in leather bullet holders.
I also heard do not clean your brass with brasso, its will make it crack. I've only been cleaning brass with brasso for over 40 years.
Someone sticks a dirty unlubed case in a die and all of a sudden it cause its nickel plated. Same for brasso, some guy has a neck split after 10 loading times with a hot load in a 30/06 and its caused he used brasso.
It has always worked fine for me, no scratchy. It does seem to crack at the mouth quicker than brass to me though. That may not be the case if i annealed it, but i don't anneal any of it, so they are all treated the same and the nickel doesn't seem to last as long. I do like the slickness of it though. Good luck
I to prefer nickel brass in rifle and pistol easy to clean and in pistol brass it cant possibly scratch the carbide die wipem clean with laquer thinner no polishing dot tur brown if you dont shootem for a while and after readin the above i just realized i to have a couple thousand nickel 223 brass
RJH1, you brought up something i had wondered about, do people/can you anneal nickel cases?
I also never got a good chamfer on nickel cases and it usually led to irregular seating.
It is my understanding that you can anneal nickel plated cases.
You can....but little if anything is gained. Nickel and brass anneal (properly) at different temps and odds are you'll only succeed in making the nickel harder (resulting in flaking at the case neck or increased neck tension).
In reality...nickel plated brass isn't intended to be resized....but will survive several reloadings just the same.
Once mine start to flake any at the case mouth....I discard them, they are going to split soon after that.
But I like nickel for all of my premium rifle loads and all self defense pistol loads.
I’ve used and reloaded nickel brass from federal for my 280ai and converted some Hornady outfitter 270 to 338 Sherman. I love it. Zero problems. Zero problems with annealing too.
Wish I had more. I load 270 with nickel brass as my daughter shoots my 30-06. Less chance of misidentification. Easier to find in grass, rocks etc. Quicker cleaning, no tarnishing.